ADGE17.txt SYMBOL OF THE PAGAN HARLOT (The Pre-Church History of the Fish Symbol) BY EVANGELIST DOMINIC BENINCASA The fish symbol has been used for millennia worldwide as a religious symbol associated with the Pagan Great Mother goddess. It is the outline of her private area. The fish symbol was often drawn by overlapping two very thin crescent moons. One represented the crescent shortly before the new moon, the other shortly after, when the moon is just visible. The Moon is the heavenly body that has long been associated with the goddess, just as the sun is a symbol of the god The link between the goddess and fish was found in various areas of the ancient world: In China, Great Mother Kwan-yin is often portrayed in the shape of a fish. In India, the Goddess Kali is called the "fish-eyed one." In Egypt, Isis was called the Great Fish of the Abyss. In Greece the Greek word "delphos" meant both fish and womb. The word is derived from the location of the ancient Oracle at Delphi who worshipped the original fish goddess, Themis. The later fish goddess, Aphrodite Salacia, was worshipped by her followers on her sacred day, Friday. They ate fish and engaging in orgies. From her name comes the English word ~salacious" which means lustful or obscene. Also from her name comes the name of our fourth month, April. In later centuries, the Christian church adsorbed this tradition by requiring the faithful to eat fish on Friday - a tradition that was only recently abandoned. In ancient Rome Friday is called "dies veneris~ or Day of Venus, the Pagan goddess of Love. Throughout the Mediterranean, mystery religions used fish, wine and bread for their sacramental meal. In Scandinavia, the Great goddess was named Freya; fish were eaten in her honor. The 6th day of the week was named "Friday" after her. In the Middle East, the Great goddess of Ephesus was portrayed as a woman with a fish amulet over her private area. The fish symbol "was so revered throughout the Roman empire that Catholic authorities insisted on taking it over, with extensive revision of myths to deny its earlier female private area meanings. Sometimes the Christ child was portrayed inside the wesica, which was superimposed on Mary's belly and obviously represented her womb, just as in the ancient symbolism of the goddess." Another author writes: "The fish headdress of the priests of Ea [a SumeroSemitic God] later became the miter of the Catholic bishops." The symbol itself, the eating of fish on Friday and the association of the symbol with deity were all taken over by the early Catholic Church from Pagan sources. Only the sexual component was deleted. The fish is an ancient Catholic symbol known from the 1st century catacombs in Rome. The first literary reference to a fish as a Catholic symbol is from Clement of Alexandria (born c. "150"A.D.) in Paedogogus, m, xi. So the story goes, during times of persecution, early Christians would scratch a fish symbol on the ground as a means to distinguish friend from foe. The symbol itself may have come from the miraculous story of the loaves and fishes (Jam 6:1-130 or from the meal of fish Jesus shared with His disciples at the Sea of Galilee after the Resurrection (John 21:1-13). I prefer the interpretation that it came from the story of the coin found by Simon Peter in the mouth of the fish (Matt 17:24-27). The Greek word within the fish is ICHTHUS which means "FISH" in Greek. It's also an acronym for the phrase Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior. As Apostolic Believers we have the Holy Ghost as the seal of Jesus Christ, and the water baptism in His name. Jesus Christ never advocated any symbol or image to represent Him. Almighty God of the Old Testament, never used a symbol to associate Himself with His creation. That would have made Himself the same as the heathen gods that were around Him. Incredible, that it would be spelled out in the scripture, and warn man against Idolatry, and that God would not be associated with Pagan images. So why would man pick up a tradition of an early Roman Catholic Pagan Church? In the book of Romans chapter 1, the Apostle Paul of corruptible man and four footed beast and creeping things. Through out the Old Testament, man fell into Idol worship to appease his flesh with a god he can see, touch and handle. Man wanted also to incorporate his culture into his worship of God. Man also wanted to please others by letting their tradition invade his worship of God. A individual would never place a Swastika on the bade of his car or in their living room, and claim it represents Jesus Christ. What is a of fence to God in the Old Testament, becomes a object of His affection in this modern time? Why? Well it is because "WE" have adopted it, and placed it with in our worship to God, it has been a tradition that is older than great Grandma, and so if great-Grandma had one, then it is good for us to have one as well. But what if great- Grandma, was water baptized in titles, would you do the same? Jesus thought all Traditions of Men were wrong. That means we should shun them. If some one was attending your church and they wanted to wear a Swastika because they felt it was a symbol of peace, and harmony, you would not agree because to you it is a symbol of evil and hats. But a Hindu believes that the Swastika is a symbol of peace and harmony, and to ward off evil. Their tradition could incorporate it into the church as a symbol of Christ, of H s peace, and harmony. But if this Swastika wearing individual was to go to your church, you would take him aside and explain the evil of the symbol. What if the early Roman Catholics believers would have used the Swastika instead of the Nazi Party. Would we have the Pagan Flyfolt cross (Swastika) on cars and on Bibles? We as Apostolic Pentecostal's know better, we are supposed to be people of the truth, and not given to fables and the tradition of men. We will jump around and say the Nicene council was wrong, and that they changed the water baptism and defined the Trinity, but if we mention how Easter also replaced the Christian Passover, the Lard's Supper, we start stuttering. Well the more we look the more we pick and choose, is that not just want they did in the council of Nicene? Non Apostolic men choosing what should be doctrine? Straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel? Well, I sincerely doubt it. All that is needed here is just some common sense, we cannot win a world by becoming it's copy with a Christ-like label on it. THE ABOVE MATERIAL WAS PUBLISHED BY THE VIEW FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE, APR-MAY-JUN 2001, VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2. THIS MATERIAL IS COPYRIGHTED AND MAY BE USED FOR STUDY & RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY.