ADGE20.TXT (DANIEL 1 : 1-7) In this dissertation taken from the book of Daniel, I would like to show you why I think that the church in the world today is so much like the time the children of Israel were held in captivity at Babylon. Some of the things that existed in the Kingdom of Babylon, in relationship to the people of God, exist today in our world. The spirit of the world hasn't changed from the time of Adam until now. The Devil is still at work, working to destroy the work of God. He will go to any extreme to destroy or hurt the work of God, or to destroy a child of God. Satan is opposed to righteousness and anything else that pertains to God. When I look at this world today, I see nothing that is conducive to serving God. In fact almost everything but church is against me serving God. The news media is certainly opposed to God along with, what we know as "Hollywood", or the movie industry, which does and will interject every slur possible to belittle those who would live Godly in this present world. Our schools are not doing anything to help our children serve God, and in some cases are doing things that are in opposition to serving God. Our government has proven that it will not do anything to oppose the evil spirit of the last days, nor has it shone any inclination that it will help the child of God in his endeavor to please God. All our politicians do is make frothy promises that will never be accomplished. I. THE WORLD IS AFTER THE BEST OF US: (VERSES 3 - 4) There is a certain danger that awaits the child of God who is serving God with all their hearts. Satan will do everything and anything within his power to make that child of God fall who has made a commitment to please God in everything they do. Nebuchadnezzer wanted Israel's Royalty----"king's seed and the princes." Children with no blemish Children well favored Skilled in all wisdom Cunning in knowledge Understanding science "ISRAEL IN BABYLON, THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD" Working ability with King Bilingual II. THE BABYLONIANS CHANGED THEIR NAMES; (VERSE 7) Satan does not like who you are, nor what you are, and he would like to make you forget who you are and what you are. A. I am proud of my name, THORNTON: My name is the most important in the phone book. By signing my name to a small piece of paper I can get money out of bank. My name is the most important name at the bank. From the Civil War until 1993 there have been 14,051 THORNTON's that have died. There are presently 25,535 THORNTON households in the US alone and I am proud to be one of them. B. Change everything about me but my identity: I am glad to be a THORNTON the rest of my life. I am also glad to be a child of God, baptized in Jesus name, and I want to be this the rest of my life. C. Identifying marks of the child of God: (GAL 5:22) III. CHANGED THEIR DIET: (VERSE 5) A. The king took away their food: B. Tried to change their desires: Convictions are good only when they come from the heart: (VERSE 8)You don't sin and then backslide, you backslide (a condition of the heart) and then you sin: IV. MADE EUNUCHS OF HE MEN OF JUDAH: (VERSE 3) A. No reproduction, no replenishment, no Hebrew blood transmitted in Babylon B. Child bearing is not an option, it is a must for the church: (JOHN 15 : 16) Could it be true that the reason we don't get more answers to prayer is we don't do what we were ordained to do, bare fruit. Pg 2 of 3 V. BABYLON TRIED TO MAKE THEM DENY THEIR GOD: (CHAPTER 3) A. The last thing, after a sequence of things, is the Devil would like nothing better than for you to give up on God. B. Nebuchadnezzer built an image of gold and commanded everyone to bow down and worship it. Thank God there are some people that will not bend to the pressures that the world places on the child of God. C. The Church, nor the saint, should ever bow to the kingdoms of this world.