20 Questions For Your Year-End Review

By Unknown Author

Don’t you love it when news shows look back at the just-ending year and list the top 10 or top 20 events? Chances are, you’ll always see one or two things that will make you wonder, “Did that happen just this past year? That seems so long ago!”

There’s no reason your church staff can’t come up with their own year-end review. Use these 20 questions – 10 qualitative questions that require subjective and evaluative answers, and 10 quantitative questions that will give you some cold, hard facts – to get you started.

Qualitative (distribute these before your meeting to give staff members a chance to seriously weigh their answers).

1. What ministry or program (or two or three ministries) was most successful this year? Why?

2. What’s the top thing that draws people to our church? What makes them stay or leave once they’ve visited?

3. What ministry or program would you classify as an endangered species – something we should cut? Why?

4. What did we as a church do well this year when it comes to worship? What do we need to improve?

5. What did we do well in the area of discipling and equipping people to grow in their relationship with God? What do we need to improve?

6. What new (or improved) opportunities did we provide for fellowship? What do we need to do better or more of?

7. What area of our preaching and teaching ministries did God bless and use the most? How can we be certain we’re in the center of his will for presenting and explaining Scripture’s vitality and relevance?

8. What one thing (or two or three) could we do to improve the way we work together as a staff?

9. What one thing (or two or three) could we do to improve the way we work with volunteers and lay leaders in the church?

10. When it comes to your area of ministry, what’s one goal you’d like to accomplish in the coming year? What can other staff members do to help you reach that goal?

Quantitative (it might help if individuals gather these facts and figures before you meet).

1. What was the Sunday school attendance and growth (preschool through elementary) during the past year? Any trends over the past five years?

2. What was the attendance at youth groups (middle school and high school) during the past year? Any trends over the past five years?

3. What was the participation level the past year in adult discipleship ministries, such as small groups, Sunday school classes, men’s and women’s ministries, and so forth? Any trends over the past five years?

4. What was the average worship attendance at key services during the past year? Any trends to be aware of?

5. What about membership numbers (if records are kept separate from attendance)? Are there gains or losses? Any trends over the past five years?

6. What were the attendance figures for other minis-tries, such as music and worship – how many people participated by serving in music ministry? How many special music events or concerts were held this year? How many members and how many visitors attended?

7. What are the final figures on tithes and offerings? Are there long-term trends we need to be aware of or make adjustments for?

8. What about giving for buildings, facilities, relocation, and other similar areas? Any long-term trends?

9. What level did the congregation give separately in support of outreach and missions? Any trends to be aware of?

10. In light of all of this data, does our staff need to suggest to the church governing board any additions, eliminations, or other changes to our staff structure or personnel?