5 Characteristics of Good Leaders

5 Characteristics of Good Leaders
Steve Murrell

While reading my Bible recently, I scribbled some notes in my journal. Then I thought that both men and other leaders who read these thoughts might find these points helpful. So I’m sharing them with you, if I can read my own handwriting.

In Deuteronomy 17 God is giving his people guidelines for picking good leaders. Here’s my summary of those guidelines.

1. Calling. “Be sure to appoint over you the king the Lord your God chooses.” (Verse 15) We should not appoint a person to a leadership position unless and until God appoints and anoints them. In other words, divine calling is essential for good leadership.

2. Vision. “He must not make the people return to Egypt” you are not to go back that way. (Verse 16) Leaders must be looking forward and leading forward, not backwards. Good leaders focus on where they are going, not on where they came from. They have a vision for the future, not just memories of the good ole days.

3. Integrity. “He must not take many wives, he must not accumulate large amounts of gold and silver.” (Verse 17) Leaders must not use their position to pad their pockets or to seduce women. Sounds like a no-brainer, but sadly, many leaders seem to have no brain. When looking for a good leader, integrity trumps intellect and character trumps charisma.

4. Word. “He is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of the law” he is to read it all the days of his life.”(verses 18,19) Good leaders become great leaders when they make writing and reading God’s word a part of their daily routine.

5. Humility. “He should not consider himself better than his brothers.” (Verse 20) Good leaders are usually not aware that they are good leaders. They do not think they are better than others. They give credit to God and to the team.

God, help us all be this kind of leader.

The above article, “5 Characteristics of Good Leaders” is written by Steve Murrell. The article was excerpted from: stevemurrell.com web site. May 2011.

The material is copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study or research purposes.