Acting Out

Acting Out
Rhonda Reese

Most of us have encountered opportunities to speak about Christ’s good news to relatives, neighbors, coworkers, and hurting people. But we don’t always have the presence of mind to come up with the right words. We end up kicking ourselves for letting an open door slam in our faces because we were unprepared.

A few friends and I began role-playing what we might say in different witnessing situations. We know the Holy Spirit is the one who opens a heart for Christ, but role-playing has helped us be ready when God leads us to speak. Evangelism role-playing is a great activity for small groups. Here are some scenarios to start with. Divide your group into twos or threes and start practicing.

* A coworker is dying of cancer. I want to talk to him about eternal life, but I’m nor sure how to work it into a conversation.

* We’re flying home for Christmas. Our relatives already think we’re overzealous cult members. We’re paranoid about speaking of our faith.

* A coworker just found out she’s pregnant. She is considering an abortion, yet I sense she doesn’t really want to do that. Now might be a perfect time to talk to her about Jesus.

* A two-year-old boy in our neighborhood is on life support after falling into his family’s pool. I’m going to the hospital to visit this family. They don’t go to church; I’m not sure what their beliefs are about God. I want to offer love and hope.

* My neighbor and I often talk for a few minutes when we get the mail or pick up our newspapers. Lately I’ve felt this overwhelming desire to speak with him about the Lord. But I’m afraid I might offend him, and he’ll want nothing more to do with me.

* I spot a sad-looking elderly gentleman sitting on a bench at the mall. My first impulse is to talk to him about Jesus. But I have no idea how to approach a stranger and start a conversation.

Role-playing with your small-group members will prepare yon to give an answer when people ask about the hope in you (see I Peter 3:15).

This article “Acting Out” by Rhonda Reese was excerpted from: Discipleship Journal’s Best Small-Group Ideas, Volume 2. It may be used for study & research purposes only.

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”