Advantages of Cell Groups

Advantages of Cell Groups

Dr. Galen Currah and some colleagues at Western Seminary had a brainstorming session, and came up with these 31 Advantages to Cell Groups as a Strategy for Ministry and Growth (presented in no particular order):

Allow all Christians to use their gifts to benefit others.
Are more easily formed, maintained, terminated.
Are enjoyable to most people.
Attract many who are repelled by churches.
Bring the Holy Spirit into any place.
Can be held nearly anywhere.
Can specialize in various human problems.
Cause many more leaders to emerge and develop.
Cost little to nothing to form and operate.
Help develop every believer into a minister.
Easily merge into new churches.
Easily reproduce as new cells or small groups.
Elicit life-related prayer requests and intercessions.
Ensure life-related use of the Bible.
Follow the model of Jesus & the apostles.
Give all participants ministry opportunity.
Have produced many helpful materials.
Keep church leaders informed of member and community needs.
Can keep records of answered prayers.
Can let everyone lead occasionally even if momentarily.
Meet times & places convenient to the participants.
Meet human needs of most attenders.
Can mobilize many or all believers.
Operate by natural group dynamics without professional prodding.
Provide frequent opportunities to show genuine love.
Remain culturally appropriate to the participants.
Show unbelievers the reality of Christ aside from sermonizing.
Stimulate responsible church involvement where that is valued.
Train disfunctionals in human skills through normal socialization.
Train missionaries in effective methods transferable everywhere.
Train leaders on-the-job appropriately inexpensively.