Cultivating Your Pastor’s Vision

Cultivating Your Pastor’s Vision
Chad & Fallon Erickson

Cultivating your pastor’s vision, and transferring it to the Music Team

Are Pastors from Mars & Music Ministers from Venus?? Are you on the same page with your pastor? This aspect of music ministry is vital to the success of the service and your personal ministry.

Loyalty to the Pastoral Team is CRUCIAL

What is loyalty and how do you develop it?

Loyalty – giving or showing firm constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.

There is a direct relationship between loyalty and the growth of the church/music team. You
can’t have a loyal music team without a loyal music minister.

It’s easy to confuse longevity with loyalty.

The point is that you need to scratch below the surface to find out whether you’re loyal or not. If you are not, you need to cherish your pastor’s vision & not let anyone talk negative EVEN if you agree.

What is your Motive for your Music Program?

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody.” Herbert B Swope

Most important Goal for your music program – You need to study & strive to match the heartbeat of your Pastoral Team.

If your pastor likes southern gospel – Learn southern gospel songs

He will be more open to your ideas if you respect his.

Give your Pastor a listening CD of your upcoming new songs – This will generate his taste for new music.


What does Pastor want for the service??

The music program you develop each week will be based largely around your pastor’s message and how he’s intending the order of the service to unfold. The two of you MUST continually coordinate & compare notes.

Lack of communication is the downfall of a lot of services.

The music team will respond to your decisions, when they know you are loyal to your Pastor & that you are simply there to carry out his vision.

The above article, “Cultivating Your Pastor’s Vision” is written by Chad & Fallon Erickson. The article was selected from Music Fest, Indianapolis, IN 2003.

The material is copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study or research purposes.