Defining the “Spiral” Outreach Ministry

I recently attended a church that has a “Church Growth Spiral” chart on their back wall. The pastor told me that they had doubled the number of people receiving the Holy Ghost by using this evangelism concept. Could you please explain what the “Spiral” ministry is?

              The Church Growth Spiral concept is a ministry designed to motivate a church to more effective and consistent outreach. It works on the principle that, “without a vision the people perish.” Each church is encouraged to select a faith goal (or vision, if you will) of how many they feel could receive the Holy Ghost that year. By faith, this goal is placed in the center box of the Spiral chart.

The Spiral ministry helps a church to reach this goal by using the four outreach methods that have proven most effective: first time visitors, home Bible studies, personal witnessing, and Sunday school evangelism. Using some simple statistical averages, the Spiral shows the church approximately how many visitors they will need to bring, how many Bible studies they will need to teach, how many witnessing contacts they will need to make, and what the Sunday school attendance will need to be, if they are going to see that number receive the Holy Ghost. These evangelism goals become the focus of the church’s outreach efforts.

The Spiral ministry then shows exactly how many saints are committed to reach these goals (a simple commitment type service is held for just this purpose). Also, the workers progress is displayed each quarter as they strive to obtain these goals.

Quite simply, the Church Growth Spiral is a motivational tool that shows a church approximately how much spiritual seed must be sown to achieve a given result.












(from IBC Perspectives – Volume 1 – Issue 2 – page 6)