Emergency Procedures


1. If an unusual person tries to go to the platform: The instant they make an aggressive move toward the platform, you should begin to move to restrain, but never strike.

2. Someone gets loud or insulting: Ask them to be quiet ONCE; then, if it continues ask them to leave.

3. Someone pulls a knife or gun: Use extreme caution – make no sudden moves unless really threatened. Get the weapon UP! Get the individual outside. Call 911 request assistance with a suspicious person with a gun in his hand. Restrain until help arrives.

4. Fire breaks out: Outside – Have someone call 911 to report a fire. Get fire extinguishers quickly to the fire and try to contain or extinguish. Inside – Follow procedure as above. Immediately notify the Pastor or person in charge of the service without causing panic – preferably with a note.

5. Someone requires medical attention: If they can walk, assist them out of the sanctuary. Summon medical assistance if needed. Call 911 for Emergency Response – be sure to state type of emergency response required.

6. Emergency phone call for an individual or Pastor: Send a note to the person immediately. Stand nearby until call is complete in case assistance is required.



To assist the Pastor during church services and other special services as requested. Your major focus will be upon 1) Usher’s duties, 2) visitors, 3) regular church members, 4) watching the platform for indications of need of assistance, and 5) other needs that may arise.


1. Must be approved by the Pastor.

2. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.

3. Must be supportive and loyal to the Pastor in the work of the Lord.

4. Must be interested in working with people and creating a friendly atmosphere.

5. Must be faithful to the Lord and in their church work.

6. Must be able to arrive early and stay late after service in order to perform duties.

7. Must be diligent in the performance the Usher’s responsibilities.


1. Shall be responsible for the Duties of an Usher under the direction of the Team Captain.

2. Note dates and times you are to scheduled to serve Usher duty. You are responsible to keep track of when you are to serve.

3. When you must be late or cannot serve, you are to notify your Team Captain at least one or two days prior to the date to be served if at all possible. This is in consideration of your Captain and will give him
time to find your replacement.

4. When on duty, you are to be on duty 30 minutes prior to the beginning of service and remain until 15 minutes after the alter call or dismissal. The Team Captain will signal the end of duty.

5. Continually be aware of the fact that Ushers (and all Church Leaders) are highly visible to church members and visitors alike and should be exemplary in our conduct and conversation.

6. Be continually aware that we are dealing with the souls of people, both young and old.

7. Usher’s attire will include the Usher’s Jacket, his badge and a tie. Shirt must be light colored or white. Color of pants are optional, but are to coordinate with the Usher Jackets. Personal grooming should be
attended to including: hair, hands and nails, and breath – please do not chew gum. Shoes must be clean and polished.

8. Try to “read” the mood of the person you are greeting and don’t over-do. An overly exuberant greeting sometimes make a person feel pressured or shy. Our purpose is to show recognition and express that we are glad they chose to come worship with us. An example greeting: “We are so glad you came tonight. May I help you find a good place to sit?”; or after service, “I hope you enjoyed the service and felt God’s presence. Please come again.” If more conversation comes easily and the person appears to want to talk, then by all means be friendly.

9. When greeting visitors and church members remember to smile and use a short, firm, moderate handshake – don’t squeeze tightly – they may have an injury or sensitive hands. Greet people by their name; learn new converts names quickly.

10. Be sure to show ourselves friendly to church members and visitors alike.

11. When finding seats for visitors, the first choice is to seat them a few pews back from the front (about 4-8 pews) and toward the center aisle or near friends or relatives. Introduce them to one or two saints near by.

12. Assist the Hostesses as they request with their duties – i.e. Welcome Visitor Cards, Visitor Registration Book, etc. The Hostesses have their instructions as to when they are to hand the visitor a card to fill out; and, if requested to assist we are to follow the same guidelines.

13. Allow the Hostesses time to greet the visitor in the Vestibule. The Hostess will normally introduce the visitor to the Usher once they are inside the Sanctuary. Then, if the Hostess has decided to wait and give
the visitor card after they are seated, she will proceed to do so after waiting an appropriate amount of time – possibly a few minutes. She MAY request your assistance in this. Relax and give time for these activities
to transpire. If things move quickly at the door and you don’t have a chance to shake hands, it is all right. You can and should greet them later; i.e. after they are seated.

14. After the Hostess has the cards back, she will give them to the Usher at the end of the song service, he will take the Visitor Cards and Prayer Request Cards to the platform.

15. Keep the back aisle of the sanctuary clear of standing people and items such as tape recorders, etc. Say “I will find you a seat or you may if you wish; we are trying to keep this aisle clear.”

16. Tactfully make loud talkers aware of their distraction and request them to be more quiet. If resistance is encountered, notify your Team Captain.

17. Check outside the sanctuary for young people without adult escorts. Tactfully try to persuade them to go inside – if they refuse or become argumentive, give their names to the Team Captain or Head Usher. Be kind yet firm – do not become argumentative. Call the Team Captain or Head Usher for assistance if needed.

18. Control unnecessary “in and out traffic” during service and the unnecessary gathering of people in the Vestibule. This should be done with a great sensitivity of the Spirit. Sometimes the person involved
may not be very cooperative or used to disciplining themselves in such a manner. Our purpose is to try to correct problems, and not to intensify a difficult situation. Your attitude must be correct – firm, but gentle.

19. If an “unusual visitor” or “unknown person” is in or near the parking areas or loitering on the premises, the Ushers should make the Team Captain and each other aware and watch the individual as needed. IF
the Security Guard is on duty, make him aware of the individual.

20. Be sure that you know the difference between whispering and speaking in a low voice; and, when to do so. When whispering, you do not use your vocal cords.

21. When you are NOT on duty, please DO NOT gather near the doors and entrances and converse with those entering or on duty. You will only make it crowded for those on duty and those arriving. Move your
discussions farther inside the building. If you are not on duty and you wish to greet our visitors, please approach them after they are seated and introduce yourself there.

22. Do not use your duty time for prayer time. Arrive early enough to allow for prayer time.

23. You are to take turns standing your outside duty. To cause another to take your place because you wish to stay inside for that service must not occur without prior approval of the Team Captain.

24. Some Ushers may be given additional responsibilities from time to time without this interfering in the primary duties outlined herein.

25. Shall be faithful in attending all Usher meetings.


The Team Captain will assign his team to the following Stations:

1. Doorkeeper – Station 1 (Outside the Main Doors) – 1 man to help greet arrivals and provide an element of security for those arriving. This man will stand duty until about mid service and after service. The Doorkeeper shall introduce the visitor to the Hostess in the vestibule.

2. Usher – Station 2 (Inside the Sanctuary) – 2 men to greet arrivals, assist the Hostess, seat visitors, escort ladies and children taking the outside route to the back. One of these Ushers is to be standing during
the service – However, they are to rotate time periods of standing to avoid fatigue or discomfort.

3. Usher – Station 3 (In the back hall area by the Fellowship Hall outside door) – greet and assist arrivals at this door. This man will stay on duty during service and periodically check outside in the parking lot by just stepping to the door and looking around outside. Watch for “wandering stars” (roaming children) and send them back inside the sanctuary.

4. Usher – Station 4 (Outside/Parking Lot) – assist those parking if needed, prevent double parking that blocks someone else. Coordinate the escorting of ladies and children outside with the inside Ushers. Provide security during service for parked cars. Do not try to physically stop a would be thief unless someone’s safety is a stake – maintain a safe distance and let him know he has been seen. Light and noise are the best deterrents. Loudly call for assistance immediately!

4. DO NOT stand duty in the Vestibule. The Hostess(es) will be on duty here.



To assist the Pastor during church services and other special services as requested. Your major focus will be upon warmly greeting visitors as they come into the vestibule, having them fill out a Visitors Card, and
to give the visitors a Welcome Visitor packet. Your warm smile and greeting will let the visitor feel the warmth of the Spirit of God.


1. Must be approved by the Pastor.

2. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.

3. Must be supportive and loyal to the Pastor in the work of the Lord.

4. Must be interested in working with people and creating a friendly atmosphere.

5. Must be faithful to the Lord and in their church work.

6. Must be able to arrive early for service to perform her duties.

7. Must be diligent in the performance of the Hostesses responsibilities.


1. Shall be responsible for the performance of the Duties of a Hostess under the direction of the Team Captain.

2. Note dates and times you are scheduled to serve Usher duty. You are responsible to keep track of when you are to serve.

3. When you must be late or cannot serve, you are to notify your Team Captain at least one or two days prior to the date to be served if at all possible. This is in consideration of your Captain and will give him
time to find your replacement.

4. When on duty, you are to be on duty 30 minutes prior to the beginning of service.

5. Continually be aware of the fact that Hostesses (and all Church leaders) are highly visible to church members and visitors alike and should be exemplary in our conduct and conversation.

6. Be continually aware that we are dealing with the souls of people, both young and old.

7. Hostess are to be responsible for being well groomed and dressed. Personal grooming should be attended to including: hair, hand and nails, and breath – please do not chew gum.

8. Try to “read” the mood of the person you are greeting and don’t over-do. An overly exuberant greeting sometimes makes a person feel pressured or shy. We only want to show recognition and express that we
are glad they chose to come worship with us. An example greeting: “My name is __________________. We are so glad you came to worship with us tonight. May I ask you to fill out one of our guest cards.” And after they have filled out the card, give them a Visitors Packet. Then, “Thank you. I hope you enjoy the service. May I introduce you to our Usher, Bro. ___________________. He will help you find a good seat.”

9. When greeting visitors and church members remember to smile and use a short, firm, moderate handshake – don’t squeeze tightly – they may have an injury or sensitive hands. Greet people be their name; learn new converts names quickly.

10. Be sure to show ourselves friendly to church members and visitor alike.

11. The Hostess will give completed Visitor Cards to the Usher at the end of the song service, he will take the Visitor Cards and Prayer Request Cards to the platform. She is to cordially try to obtain all the information needed on the card if possible.

12. Do not use your duty time for prayer time. Arrive early enough to allow for prayer time.

13. Always wear your Hostess badge. Be sure to leave the badge in the Usher/Hostess Room at the end of the service.

14. If you arrive and find a visitor has arrived before you, be sure to greet them and ask that they fill out a Visitor Card at their seat. You may request that an Usher assist you in this.

15. Be sure to have your supplies ready on time. These include Visitor Cards, Visitor packets, and pens.

16. Whenever you see parents with a small child or baby, be sure to mention the Church Nursery or Sunday School classes.

17. Remain at your post until the end of song service.

18. Put most of your Hostess supplies away before being seated. Leave a couple of items out in case a late arrival comes in. If you wish, you may request that the Usher on duty give the Visitor Card and Packet to
late arrivals.

19. Be faithful to attend all Hostess meetings.



To assist the Pastor during church services and other special services as requested. Your major focus will be upon 1) supervising and assisting the Usher/Hostess Team in their duties, 2) visitors, 3) regular church
members, 4) watching the platform for indications of need of assistance, and 5) other needs that may arise.


1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.

2. Must meet the qualifications for Church Membership.

3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.

4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.

5. Must carry a burden for the Ushering Ministry.

6. Must be able to lead and motivate others.

7. Must be a lover of the souls of Men.

8. Must be faithful and dependable in accomplishing duties.

9. Must have a stable walk with God.


1. Shall over see and supervise operations of the Usher/Hostess Team under the direction of the Head Usher. Shall seek to fulfill all responsibilities with tact and dedication.

2. Shall arrive 30 minutes prior to service and insure that the church is properly opened up:

a. Air/heat and baptistery heater should be turned on if needed. The baptistery heater turned off in about a half hour or when the water is warm.

b. Make sure that an adequate supply of offering envelopes are in the racks and song books are available.

c. Unlock the doors and turn on needed lights. Normally an individual is permanently assigned this responsibility; however, the Team Captain is to assume this responsibility upon notification that this person will be absent.

d. If he finds he will be unable to attend these duties, the Team Captain may delegate these responsibilities.

3. Shall mobilize and supervise all Ushers, Doorkeepers, and Hostesses, insuring that they are at their posts one-half hour before service time:

a. Shall assign an Usher as Doorkeeper to be posted at the main entrance(s) to open the door and greet all visitors and saints.

b. Shall make sure that Hostesses are posted in the foyer to greet visitors in finding a seat and to be of service in anyway.

c. Shall make sure that Ushers are posted in sanctuary to assist visitors in finding a seat and to be of service in anyway.

d. Shall assign an Usher to duty in the hall area back of the sanctuary.

e. Shall assign an Usher to duty in the parking lots.

f. In the event of absences, shall always find a suitable replacement to keep the post filled for that service.

g. Shall strongly encourage all department staff to come early for prayer before taking their posts.

h. Only the Ushers and Team Captain are expected to remain on duty throughout the service, the others may find a seat following the song service.

i. Shall casually remind Team members who have not followed the dress code, etc.

4. Shall insure that each Usher and Hostess team member has their badges on. The badges are to remain at the church in the Usher’s Room when they are not on duty.

5. Shall find a replacement for a team member who may be late or absent.

6. Shall endeavor to arrive early enough to spend time in prayer before duty.

7. Shall arrange for his and/or notify the Head Usher if he is to be late or absent so that his position will be filled.

8. Shall oversee the Hostess on his team and that she has proper supplies:

a. Hostesses need Visitor Cards, Church Pens, Church Brochures, and Church Bulletins.

b. Hostess shall greet visitors, assist in completing visitor card, and introduce visitor to an usher for seating.

9. Shall insure that all visitors are properly seated by ushers, preferably on the main aisle, about halfway down:

a. Make sure visitor has a song book and is introduced to those sitting near.

b. Encourage visitors to use the nursery facilities if needed. Offer to take children to S.S. classes on Sunday morning.

10. Shall bring the Visitor Cards to the platform during the song service so he may greet them.

11. Shall coordinate the taking of the offering (if called on) in the manor that follows:

a. Ushers should come to the front of sanctuary upon being called for, all stepping out at the same time.

b. They should stand facing the congregation while the appeal and prayer is given.

c. The ushers then move down the aisle allowing the plate to pass each contributor. Make sure adequate personnel are on hand to allow this to flow smoothly.

d. If the Church Treasurer or his representative is absent, the Team Captain is to count the offering and place it for safe keeping.

12. Shall insure that the proper temperature is maintained throughout the service.

13. Shall follow special service procedures in the event that a capacity crowd is expected:

a. Prepare extra seating, set out chairs, etc.

b. Post extra parking lot attendants to assist in parking lot.

c. Solicit extra ushers for duty if needed.

14. Shall insure that an usher checks the parking lot for security reasons every 20 minutes throughout the service. Have ushers rotate this responsibility.

15. Shall see that ladies and children are escorted to and from the back while outside the building at night.

16. Shall watch the platform for indications of need of assistance.

17. Shall be alert for “unusual visitors” who may be disruptive during the service or that may be a source of concern for the safety of others and take necessary action. Make either the Head Usher or the Pastor aware of an extreme situation.

18. Shall give input and make recommendations to the Head Usher on things that will improve the operation and effectiveness of the Usher/Hostess Program.

19. Shall be faithful to attend all Usher meetings.



To administer and motivate the Usher/Hostessing Department in a manner that will bring order and courtesy in the House of God. The usher/hostess position is vital in that they make the first impression
upon visitors when they come to the House of God, they offer a spirit through which God can move. Your major focus will be upon visitors and also to assist in seating, offering, doorkeeping, security, and a
variety of other duties. In doing this, you are doing a great service in the work of God and the moving of the Spirit.


1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.

2. Must meet the qualifications for Church Membership.

3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.

4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.

5. Must carry a burden for the Ushering Ministry.

6. Must be able to lead and motivate others.

7. Must be a lover of the souls of Men.

8. Must be faithful and dependable in accomplishing duties.

9. Must have a stable walk with God.


1. Shall over see and supervise all operations of the Usher/Hostessing Department under the direction of the Pastor or his Designated Representative. Shall seek to fulfill all responsibilities with tact and dedication.

2. Shall develop and hand out a typed department staff schedule at least one month in advance of when they are to be on duty.

3. Shall insure that all staff on duty are of proper dress and appearance:

a. Make sure that ushers have coat and tie.

b. Hostess should be attractively dressed.

c. All should smile, have a pleasant greeting, and fresh breath.

d. All should have on their Usher or Hostess badge on.

e. Make mention to any individual of violations in dress or appearance.

5. Shall over see Usher/Team, insuring that they have proper supplies; i.e. Badges, Coats, Visitor Packets, etc.

6. Shall have a brief quarterly meeting with all staff before service to go over any problem areas. This meeting may not be required every quarter, but should be regular.

7. Shall conduct an Usher/Hostess Training Night under the direction of the Pastor once per year.

8. Shall submit to the Pastor for his approval a list of recommendations for replacements when any vacancies occur on the Usher/Hostess Staff.

9. Shall attend all annual and monthly Departmental planning session. If unable to attend, shall inform the Pastor in advance and endeavor to have a substitute attend in your place.

10. Shall submit a Monthly Report at the Monthly Staff Council.

11. Shall be responsible for the development and maintaining of current job descriptions for the members of the Usher/Hostess Teams.

12. Shall perform additional duties as required:

a. Take up the annual offering for the Pastor’s birthday on the Sunday evening service before his birthday.

b. Young Marrieds activities as directed by the Pastor.

c. Over see and coordinate the Video Equipment and program.

d. Coordinate and maintain the church lock and key records and duplications.


The Head Usher is responsible directly to the Pastor or his designated representative. Each year the Pastor and Head Usher will review this Job Description to update and improve it to make it more applicable to the
position. Accountability shall consist of a monthly report of all activities and upcoming events. Evaluation of performance of this position shall be performed by the Pastor on an annual basis.


1. Train and begin Hostessing teams.

2. Hold an usher/hostess training night.

3. Develop Visitor Location Map and Check-in/Check-out list.

4. Develop a Visitor Center for the Hostess Program.

5. Locate and take a Locksmith course for use in the church.

6. Reorganize the video tape usage to gain optimum usage of the tapes in stock.

(The above material was published by First Pentecostal Church, New Orleans, LA.)

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