Five DOs and DON’Ts To Increase Your Offerings

Five DOs and DON’Ts To Increase Your Offerings
Brian Kluth

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor 9:7-8
Five DON’Ts

DON’T publicly pray for the tithers and non-tithers: One time I visited a very large church in Los Angeles. Before the offering the pastor asked all the tithers to stand so he could pray God’s blessing on them. After he prayed for all the tithers, he then asked the rest of the congregation to stand so he could lead them in a prayer of repentance!

DON’T take more offerings! I was visiting a church in another city that took the offering and then immediately had the ushers count it. The pastor announced the total amount of the offering and said, “It’s not enough. We’re going to take another offering.” He did this two more times before he finally had “enough.”

DON’T have the pastor promise to resign if the bills aren’t paid by next week! A new pastor at a church discovered his first week at the church that lots of bills hadn’t been paid in months. On the next Sunday he announced to the congregation that ALL the bills were individually taped up on the wall in the church lobby and that when people left they should each take one of the bills home and pay it in full. He said if any bills were still left taped to the wall when he walked into the lobby after church he would resign as their new pastor and would not be back the next week!

DON’T offer casino nights and beer at the church! I once talked with a man that had a hangover because the night before he had worked at the beer tent during a casino night (with real money) to help raise money for his church! Other churches offer raffles, bingo nights, bake sales, dinners and carnivals to try and “get” people’s money for the church instead of biblically teaching them to give to the Lord.

DON’T report everyone’s giving totals! There are some churches that list all the givers’ names and the amounts they’ve given (or not given) to the church!

Five DOs

DO send out summer giving statements with helpful money information: More and more churches are sending out seasonal or quarterly giving statements, financial newsletters, giving charts, and “catch up” envelopes that will help people be more faithful in their giving to the Lord’s work.

DO make plans for a special generosity teaching initiative in the fall: In the summer, many churches develop plans for an all-church fall generosity teaching initiative or campaign.

DO have a weekly generosity verse: When someone prays for the offering, have them first read a generosity verse that is up on the screen or shown in their bulletin and then pray according to what the verse teaches about faithful giving to the Lord.

DO consider offering online and/or electronic giving options: Because we live in a very mobile and active society (and with more and more people managing all of their finances electronically) many churches are starting to give people the option of giving electronically. This is an especially helpful option if you have quite a few people that head out of town for weekend recreation activities.

DO use generosity tracts: One excellent way to encourage people in their giving is to give out, mail, or offer in the lobby generosity tracts or flyers that will inspire and instruct people how to be more joyful and generous in their giving to the Lord’s work.

Five DOs and DON’Ts To Increase Your Offerings. By Brian Kluth

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”