For Those Who Serve


There is no way that I could adequately express to you the value I place upon the duties performed by you at (The name of your church). First of all, I sincerely feel that your duties are not only to man but unto God, for you are the man who helps to fulfill I Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints” and I Corinthians 14:40. “Let all things be done decently and in order.” Also Psalms 84;10 which states “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand, I had rather be a
doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”



1. You are an important part of a visitor’s first (and lasting) impression of God’s House. You are also a very important person of leadership to every saint and friend who attends the church, either on a one-time or all-the-time basis! So–you must be at least 15 minutes EARLY–be SMILING–be ALERT to any need which may arise and QUICK to respond, no matter how you feel. We must have a ready smile, for your
attitude may be just what sets the tone of the service for many people.

2. When someone comes in, please be on your feet-to greet them and help them find a comfortable place to sit. An usher should be assigned to each side of the church and should be aware at all times of where
ready seating is available. One usher should “keep” people at the back until the usher in charge of the side where they are to be seated has found seating space and is ready for them to come down the aisle. Endeavor always to avoid any embarrassment, especially to visitors.

3. As each evening service begins, be sure that all doors except the front door are locked.

4. During cold weather be ready to show people to the cloak room and help those who need help with wraps,


6. The center aisle is to be free from traffic during service.

7. Check “Ushers’ Tray” in sound room to get messages and distribute any items therein.

8. DURING EVERY SERVICE, would one usher please take a little walk around the downstairs from time to time to make sure that everyone and everything is in order. NO ONE should be outside the sanctuary during any service, without a good reason! Children are not to be downstairs or in the nursery unattended.

9. After receiving the offering, take the finance to the Church Office via the basement. (This is a good time to patrol, and be sure that all doors are locked and that ALL IS WELL.)

10. Be listening, for occasionally people come in the front door and go immediately to the basement. Amazing as it may seem, some of them never make it into the service. Also, from time to time people go out
of the service and stay out far too long to be accomplishing any good.

11. As you are aware, we appreciate our ushers being neat in appearance, wearing a tie (and coat if at all possible). Should an emergency arise and help be needed, please endeavor to “draft” a man who is dressed in an appropriate manner.

12. If anyone–child, young person or adult–makes unnecessary trips out of the service, a firm word of admonition from you would be appreciated!!!

13. Please be constantly concerned for the condition and appearance of God’s House. Whatever thy hand findeth to do for the good of the House of The Lord, do it willingly and joyfully!! Keep God’s House in “SHIP SHAPE”.

14. At the-close of each service, please see to it that the church is rid up so that the visitors and the strangers who just happen by will always find the church in good order! This is also a great help to
those who clean the church. Ushers assigned by the head usher to cleaning up an area of the sanctuary should never leave the church until their work is completed.

15. Before Leaving the church—think of this check list:

a. PA system off?
b. Thermostats set for nighttime fuel conservation?
c. In the summer, is the air-conditioning off?
d. Are the lights out?
e. Are the doors securely locked?

The more people who are concerned and help lift the load–the easier it is for everyone!!!

16. No one is to be called to the telephone unless it is an emergency. When calls come-for someone who is on the platform, please take a number and we will return the call after service.

17. When someone asks to use the phone, please take them to a phone near where you are (Probably the Sound Room), ask where they are calling, make sure the proper button is pushed, then “oversee” their
dialing to keep us from having long distance calls on our church phone, (Example–a Hopedale call on the 946 line)

18. You may save yourself many steps by using the telephone intercom in calling different areas in the church.

(The above material was prepared by the Harrison Hills United Pentecostal Church in Jewett, OH.)

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