Goal Setting For Men’s Leaders

Goal Setting For Men’s Leaders
By Daryl Dale

Men Meeting Goals

Goals are very important in helping men’s leaders to bring about life change. Each men’s meeting should bring growth in the Lord in a manner that affects the men’s lifestyle (what he does). The men’s leader needs to picture this change in his mind. The mental picture is then written out in the form of a ministry goal. The writing of goals is very easy when one begins the goal with the words,

“At the end of this series of men’s meetings, the men should be able to..:”

Well-written goals are (1) specific, (2) observable, (3) attainable and (4) stated in terms of student performance. Because men’s meetings are geared to life application, ministry goals almost always describe observable behavior which can be seen by others or recorded by the individual doing the behavior. Ministry goals can designate a skill, habit, character trait or project that the men’s leader desires to see developed and in evidence in the mens’ lives. Specific goals make evaluation possible. The men’s leader who has a well written goal knows how well his men’s program is going because the specific life changes he hoped and prayed for will begin to show up. Such evaluation is basic to a quality men’s ministry.

Here is a list of men’s ministry goals which a men’s leader can adopt one at a time, or use as samples in writing his own ministry goals. Each goal should be preceded by the phrase, ‘At the end of this series of men’s meetings, the men should be able to…’ Read a few of these goals with the phrase added. Note the emphasis on men performance. Also, notice how easy it is for the men’s worker to observe whether a goal was achieved or not. Each of these goals should be accomplished in four weeks or less and then a new goal can be adopted.

* Spend at least 30 minutes a day with God.

* Keep a daily diary that records one’s devotional activities.

* Color code the book of Ephesians within 10 days.

* Witness to one unsaved person using a tract.

* Conduct a community religious survey.

* Share a public testimony at the next men’s meeting.

* Take part in conducting a church service.

* Visit and minister to an elderly shut-in.

* Assist in teaching youth (VBS, Good News Club, etc.).

* Befriend one non-Christian.

* Prepare and present a devotional talk.

* Quote the 15 verses on temptation.

* Confront a person whom you have personally offended and ask forgiveness.

* Disciple another men by…

* Bring an unchurched friend to a men’s activity.

* Increase the size of one’s circle of friends.

* Talk in-depth with a fellow Christian on subject of…

* Stand against peer group pressure at work when…

* Take a stand for Christ that is observable in a non-Christian setting.

* Regularly pray for an adopted missionary through the use of a prayer list.

* Participate on a Saturday door-knocking team.

* List 10 positive character traits in a friend and note how they can be used in serving Christ.

* Find and assist a person in need.

* Write a one-paragraph definition of a “value” and illustrate four personal values.

Program Goals

Goal setting also improves the quality of men’s ministry when it is applied to evangelism, leadership training, Bible study, service projects and discipleship. Goals in these program areas also need to be specific, observable and attainable. Goal setting is a prerequisite of quality planning. A well-written goal can serve the men’s worker well in building a successful men’s program.

Examine the following goals, noting the specific nature of each goal and how easily its attainment can be verified.

Goal 1. Six new men who do not attend church will be brought to the upcoming canoe retreat and hear the gospel message from other men and / or men’s leader. (Evangelism goal)

Goal 2. At the end of the next prayer breakfast series, each man will be able to list each of the beatitudes and write out a contemporary example of how each of these Christian character traits can be seen in his life at home or work. (Bible study goal)

Goal 3. Ten men will attend the six-week men’s discipleship class and successfully complete its four disciplines: (1) daily Bible reading and prayer, (2) ministry to one unsaved man, (3) memorization of six Bible verses and (4) completion of the weekly Bible study assignment. (Discipleship goal)

Goal 4. Five men will take on a leadership responsibility within the next three months that requires them to talk to five or more men in completing their assignment. After each assignment is completed the men’s work will be evaluated in a two-way conversation between the men and his sponsor. (Leadership training goal)

Goal 5. The Men’s group will identify a group of lonely people and reach out to them by making a sacrificial financial contribution, personally touching the needy people and giving two or more hours toward a friendship-building ministry. The men will be grouped in fives for these projects. Each group shall plan its own project. (Service project goal)

Commit yourself to the discipline of goal-setting. It will enrich your ministry. It will provide you with the feedback necessary in determining the impact your ministry is having on the lives of the men in your group.

“Goal Setting” By Daryle Dale.

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”