By: Costa Deir

Fundamental principles underlie the thinking and conduct of all true leaders, and these principles are even more sharply defined for leaders within the kingdom of God. From time to time those whom the Lord has chosen for leadership need to examine themselves in the mirror of thought-provoking maxims. These proverbs are designed to help Christian leaders move forward in administrative excellence.

*Responsible leaders do not make irresponsible statements.

*A godly leader speaks out of the presence of God.

*A maturing leader becomes a part of the divine maturing process in others.

*A humble leader never makes light of eternal truths, but esteems them with reverence.

*The most valuable gift of leadership is a godly example.

*A wise leader resolves conflicts peacefully, not forcefully.

*An enduring leader withstands insult without anger.

*A wholesome leader is characterized by tolerance, which saves him from hasty decisions in crisis, and retaliations in the face of contrariness.

*The good leader attempts to make friends, not enemies.

*Dealing harshly with opponents causes more aggravation and hostility. A polite leader uses gentleness and kindness.

*A wise leader benefits more from criticism than from praise.

*A leader who is attentive to the voice of the Lord is a tonic to all aroundhim.

*A leader who listens well to his subordinates manages them well.

*The greatness of a leader is in his humility before God, not in his eloquence before man.

*A devoted leader gives himself totally to the ones he is leading, helping them to develop their undiscovered potential.

*A patient leader remembers that people’s responses vary according to their nature, temperament and level of development.

*A mature leader shows highest respect for others, irrespective of race or rank.

*A fatherly leader establishes close-knit relationships between his followers.

*A wise leader guards himself against the pitfalls of success, self-assertiveness and over-confidence.

*Broken promises quickly destroy confidence in leadership.

*A wise leader inspires and motivates rather than intimidating and manipulating.

*A weak leader retreats in the face of rising difficulties and loses the respect of his followers.

*Severe trials open the door to new revelation.

*The path of leadership is always lonely.

*The greater the leader the greater his fall when he succumbs to temptations.

*A teachable leader eagerly probes for truth learned by regardless of their status.

*A relaxed leader relaxes his followers.

*The self-righteous leader lives in a cell made of blocks of deception, hypocrisy and lies.

*A stubborn leader is a menace who cannot be trusted by his colleagues.

*The expressions of the leader display his inner motives and attitudes.

*A prejudiced leader suffers from embedded insecurity.

*A wise leader moves systematically rather than responding only to crisis events.

*A wise leader undergirds those who have failed.

*Perplexed people seek a man of God rather than a clever leader or a go-getter.

*A man who covets position, prestige, popularity or money ruins himself early in life.

*The ability to keep confidence endears a leader to his followers.

*A leader who insists for too long that he is right is wrong by his long insistence.

*Restraint under attack reveals the leader’s measure of maturity.

*A leader who compares himself with others lives competitively-and probably defeatedly.

*A leader who refuses to see himself as mature people see him will never have a proper self-evaluation.

*The leader who seeks to know “everything about everyone” grows old quickly.

*An immature leader is like unripened grapes-his thoughts, words, actions and relationships are sour.

*A leader who is a law unto himself will destroy those who follow him.

*Sly leaders bring woe to their followers.

*A revengeful leader poisons his own soul and intoxicates his followers.

*A wise leader listens to and heeds his own advice.

*A noble leader speaks with dignity.

*A blind leader causes others to stumble.

*The leader who befriends others wins their affection for life.

*An impulsive leader causes confusion everywhere he goes.

*Love is a divine magnet which causes the flock to increase in size.

*An honest leader speaks frankly-but not hastily or harshly.

*A wise leader understands why some discerning people shun him and he benefits from it.

*An honest leader makes people at ease in his presence.

*A suspicious leader poisons the atmosphere by revealing his own guilt.

*Title, position and record of accomplishments will never hurt a leader, but over-regard of these things will cause his downfall.

*A flexible leader adjusts to changing circumstances and to people of varying temperaments.

*It is easier for people to respond to an affectionate dog than to an unaffectionate leader.

*A leader who flees from skirmishes cannot be trusted in future battles.

*A leader who feels rejected when left out would have been puffed up if he had been included.

*A leader who is generous in forgiveness will be generous in everything else.

*A subtle leader is twisted on the inside though he may walk straight on the outside.

*The leader who sells principles for popularity will soon become bankrupt.

*An undisciplined leader is a misfit on the battle front and plays into the hands of the enemy.

*The leader who sees further than his colleagues must endure opposition from the shortsighted ones.

*The leader who saves face for others will find that his own face shines brighter.

*The leader who is willing to go the furthest and bear the impossible fearlessly will be followed the most.

*A leader who is particular in keeping his promises is a joy to follow.

*The leader who humbles himself before God and others will be exalted by both.

Costa Deir spent most of each year teaching leadership principles to pastors in developing nations around the world. He is affiliated with the missions program of Elim Bible Institute of Lima, New York.

(The above material originally appeared in Ministries Magazine.)

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