Ladies Ministry Volunteers and Spiritual Gifts

Ladies Ministry Volunteers and Spiritual Gifts
By Alexis Powers

Help volunteers discover and use their spiritual gifts by following these guidelines:

* Teach about spiritual gifts and pray for people to have discernment related to their gifts. Once people believe they know their gifts, give them short-term trials using those gifts. Observe people closely and give them honest feedback about whether you believe their gifts are in operation. To help volunteers determine their spiritual gifts, ask each of them, “Did you sense God’s presence in your ministry? Did you sense God using you? Did this ministry fulfill or frustrate you? Do you want to do this ministry again?”

* Equip people according to their gifts. For example, if someone has the gift of teaching, send him or her to a workshop on the topic. Pass on articles related to effective teaching methods. In meetings, group people who have the gift of teaching so they can talk about their challenges and joys in that area.

* Use spiritual gifts for complementary team teaching. Pair someone with the gifts of music, encouragement, and compassion with a person who has the gifts of teaching, serving, and craft-making. (Granted, these aren’t all “spiritual” gifts, but they’re gifts from God!)

* Don’t limit people by their gifts. If someone doesn’t seem particularly gifted in a certain area but is passionate about being involved in it, don’t say no. Allow the person to follow God’s calling into a new ministry.