Organizing the Men’s Ministries Division

Organizing the Men’s Ministries Division
By T & J Hudson

Suggested steps:

1. List names of all men and boys and their individual skills and talents.

2. Name men who take responsibility and have experience in orchestrating businesses.

3. Keep current report of physical needs of the Church properties.

4. List current goals and future goals for growth and improvement.

5. List projects needed to reach these goals. Include:

a. Estimated cost to complete each project

b. Time needed to complete each project

c. Materials needed

d. Tools needed

e. Possible donations of materials and funds

6. List talents and skills needed to maintain the completed project and the present properties.

7. Make it a point to become acquainted with key business people and merchants who can assist and give instructions. Suggestions:

a. Men skilled in repairs, maintenance and remodeling

b. Businessmen willing to purchase materials for the church at cost

c. Mechanics willing to assist in teaching men how to maintain their vehicles

d. Computer experts willing to instruct

Men’s Ministries Department

Organizing men in the church to assist in ministries strengthens the growth of the church tremendously. Often if a man does not teach or become involved in some part of the evangelistic service, his abilities to serve the church are overlooked. The more a person becomes involved in serving and caring for others or contributing to the physical properties of the church, the more loyalty and responsibility he feels. God created men to lead, protect and provide for the needs of others. When a man accepts responsibility in the organization of the church, it becomes easier for him to be faithful to the cause of God.

The Scripture speaks of many aspects of service in the body of Christ. Among the gifts God gives to men are gifts of administration. Businessmen can contribute much to the organization of the church, and men with creative physical talents can bring beauty and order to the properties. Even the talents of men who have not as yet given their hearts to God can be utilized to bless the work of God, contribute to the widows and orphans, and help the needy.

Churches need to tap into the resources available to them from within and without. Father-and-son camping trips, team sports, and workdays can bring satisfaction and fulfillment to men.

These experiences help re-define their values and change their thinking toward God and the church. Times of teaching and commitment to their wives and families strengthen the church and assist unsaved husbands in turning their hearts toward God. The more friends a man establishes within the church, the more apt he is to be faithful and to become the leader that God, the Pastor and his family desire him to be.

Organize the men into teams according to their individual gifts and talents. Plan breakfasts and times of discussion and interaction.

Assist them in reaching beyond their own private worlds and contributing to those in need and to the elderly. Encourage them to give of their time and talents to help those less fortunate.

All of these things contribute to the growth of the church. Every church needs strong family men to lead and teach by word and deed. Sons and daughters need fathers to model the life of Christ who did good deeds for all men and women.

Include special times of prayer for men. Teach them to love their families and commit themselves to faithfully meeting the needs of their wives. Teach them to show respect and honor and be gentlemen at all times.

Adapted from “Dividing To Multiply” by Tom and Judy Hudson. Order from PPH.