Our Secret Weapons

Notice, when Jesus was faced with the temptation (Matthew 4:11), how Satan tried to tempt his flesh, his emotions, and his carnal reason. Jesus relied not on carnal reason or emotion to fight back. He released the power of the Word. Jesus knew the authority of the Word. Do we? In order for Satan to convince Adam and Eve to sin he had to plant doubt in their minds about the Word of God. We all know the results of that.

By James Holland, Sr.

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There will always be a battle after every breakthrough in our walk and growth in God. That battle will focus upon one front. The Word of God in our lives.


The Weapon of the Word


Where is your Bible? Is it laying on the dash of your car? Is it just lying on a table somewhere in your house? Or do you just leave it on your favorite pew at church for convenience?

While it is honorable to own a Bible and everyone should, I must remind you that merely owning one will not guarantee your victory over your enemy. We must open the Bible and get the Word in our mind and spirit, so like a seed, it can be planted in our spirit and it will begin to grow. The most used terms in scripture is “The Word of God,” “The Word of the Lord,” “The Lord said,” and “The Lord spoke.” This Word has a “life force” that is released in us when we read it, study it and meditate upon it. There is no other Book to date like the Bible. It is God in ink. It is God’s thoughts, God’s feelings about us and about life and eternity.


Yet, it’s like any other book if you just own one and never read it! In fact, you may have a Bible or any other book for that matter and say you own it, it’s yours. The truth, however, is you don’t really own it until you read it and allow it to become a part of your life, your decisions, and your thinking process. We must use the awesome power of the Word to do war against the enemy.

I Peter 1:23 says, “being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”


Did you catch that? The word lives and abides in us. Jesus said, “he that abideth in me and I in him shall bring forth much fruit.” Our fruit is maturity and victory over our own flesh. We must allow the Word of God to become a controlling factor in our lives. That is, our decisions and our responses to the things needed to be influenced by the Word of God at work in our lives. If we are going to be effective in this war, then we must stand and believe the Word of God even during times of testing. There will be many times of testing. In Numbers 21:8, we see the Lord instructing Moses to raise a brass serpent up in the midst of the people so that they would be healed from the bites of the fiery serpents.


The key word in the verse is looketh. It means to be occupied and influenced with what we are looking at. This is the equivalent of Abraham’s refusing to consider his own body and waxing strong in faith by looking unto the promises of God. Does this mean that Abraham was ignoring his physical condition and simply saying I am not actually getting older? No, certainly not. There is floating around in the Christian community a so called faith that I call “voodoo” faith. That is those who embrace this mindset simply say, “Ignore the real situation, and don’t acknowledge them in any way and they will just go away!”

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