Praying People Through To The Holy Ghost

Praying People Through To The Holy Ghost

To be effective in assisting people to pray through to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is vital that the altar worker firmly believes that it is God’s will to give individuals this awesome gift. God’s great desire is in fact fulfilled in baptizing people with the Holy Ghost. The following scriptures attest to this fact:

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:38

“And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.” Acts 5:32

The altar worker must focus his or her prayer when working with a seeker. Aimless or nonchalant prayers will not help the questing soul. As a matter of fact, such careless praying may actually be a distraction. Too much is at stake. Effectual fervent prayer must be offered.

When altar workers have faith that the individuals they are praying with will receive the Holy Ghost, it will be demonstrated in their efforts to help. To begin with, such prayer partners approach the altar service with an attitude of expectancy. Secondly, that expectancy brings a sense of excitement, which is so important to the altar service’s atmosphere. Finally, those assisting in prayer support sense God’s willingness to fill the seeker. All these elements help create an atmosphere charged with God’s power.

There are six basic steps to keep in mind in helping pray persons through to the Holy Ghost. First, tell them how to receive the Holy Ghost. This includes stressing the importance of repentance. Explain that repentance is not only the asking for forgiveness, but the willingness to change how one lives. Help them understand that once they have repented, they should raise their hands and begin to praise the Lord. They should glorify God and thank Him for what He has done.

After seekers know what to do, the altar worker helps them move into the second step, which is the actual repentance. If they experience difficulty here, pray the sinner’s prayer with them. Encourage godly sorrow. Let them know it is all right to cry. Emphasize God’s promise to forgive.

Allow each seeker time to repent. Some will repent quickly. Others will take longer. Don’t try to get seekers to ask for the Holy Ghost before they have finished repenting. The effective altar worker will notice when the seeker’s tears stop flowing and his or her prayer begins slowing down. At such a time it is often advisable to inquire whether they feel they have fully repented.

For people having trouble knowing what to say, here are some prayer expressions you could suggest to them:

“Lord, examine my heart.”

“Search me, 0 Lord.”

“I want You in my life.”

“I need You, Jesus.”

“I surrender to You, Lord.”

“Jesus, forgive me of all my sins.”

“I want everything You have for me.”

“I want You to control my life.”

These usually work best if the altar worker prays these things with the seeker.

The third step involves moving the seeker from the realm of repentance to the realm of praise. Once he or she has finished repenting, the seeker should be encouraged to start praising God. If the person desiring the Holy Spirit is not already standing or sitting, this could be a good time to suggest such. While neither of these body positions is required for persons to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, they do offer advantages. Standing often helps seekers to respond more freely in praise. Sitting is helpful in getting people to relax. Also, let them know it is all right to get excited. Tell them Jesus died for them and has forgiven their sin.

As the seeker begins to worship God, encourage them
to say such things as:


“I love You, Jesus.”

“I praise You, Lord.”

“Thank You for what You are doing in my life.”

“Thank You for the Holy Ghost.”

When the Spirit begins to move on the seeker, encourage him or her to focus on God. Some times seekers may hesitate as God begins to fill them. Fear or lack of understanding can hinder at this point. This fourth step of helping them is a transition phase. This is the point where they begin to yield themselves to the Spirit.

Now the altar worker should urge the seeker to relax in what the seeker is feeling. This can be accomplished by using such expressions as:

“That is God you’re feeling.”

“Don’t be afraid of that.”

“Go right on.”

“You’re in the will of God.”

“Let the words come no matter what they may sound like.”

The fifth step begins when the person starts to speak in other tongues. Sometimes they may resist this simply because they don’t understand what is happening. Now the altar worker must move with the flow of the Spirit and reaffirm what is happening. Here are some expressions that can assist in that effort:

“That’s it.”

“That’s God.”

“That’s the Holy Ghost moving on you.”

“Keep yielding to that.”

“Let the joy come.”

“Get all of that you can.”

Encourage them to pray until they feel fully satisfied.

The sixth stage of helping the seeker deals with a simple follow-up. First, congratulate the newly filled person on their experience in God. Secondly, emphasize the need for spiritual disciplines. These include daily prayer and Bible reading, regular church attendance and the benefit of worship. Thirdly, point them to the new convert’s or discipleship class.

Finally, introduce them to some of the other church members. These things help to tie the new convert to the church and increase their chances of staying.

Please note that if the convert has not yet been baptized in Jesus name, he or she should be encouraged to do so immediately. If such a person resists, give a polite reminder not delay too long. Also, assure such persons that the church will be ready to baptize them as soon as they feel ready.

Finally, offer the convert a home Bible study. Also, if your church has cells or small group meetings, invite them to attend. The sooner this happens the better. Again this helps connect them to the church. It will fortify them to better handle the attempts of the enemy to defeat them.

This article “Praying People Through To The Holy Ghost” written by is excerpted from.