Radiant Life Women’s Ministry

Radiant Life Women’s Ministry
Carla Baldwin

This ministry is helpful in the fact that it helps to enlighten women on Biblical truths that involve them personally. It is a time of inspiration, fellowship and motivation. Not only are Bible classes offered, but there are a variety of other subjects taught which help women to gain new skills. She not only gains knowledge, but acquires a feeling of accomplishment and of self-acceptance. These classes definitely will enrich your church because women have influence and it needs to be Godly and Christ-like.

Radiant Life

Radiant Life Classes were organized in 1975 to teach ladies on subjects pertaining to their needs and to inspire them to reach the potential that God intended for them to reach when He created them. Paul instructs Titus to teach the older women to be in good behaviour as becometh holiness so that they (speaking about the women) may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands and children, to be discreet, chaste, and all the other things that help make a virtuous woman. You can be young numerically but aged “spiritually”.

There is a real need for examples in word and deed. The Bible says that Priscilla and Aquilla taught Apollos the way of God more perfectly. Phillips daughters prophesied and that can mean to foretell or teach. There are other instances in the Bible where women were used of God to teach and minister to others. Deborah was a prime example of the need for Godly women with good advice, teaching and counseling. Joel 2:28 and 29 includes women in the latter day prophesy. It says, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and DAUGHTERS shall prophesy, And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit”. Yes, women can humbly do their part to influence others to be Christ like and to further the Kingdom of God.

We have had women who have visited Radiant Life Classes and stayed through the course and gone on to receive the Holy Ghost. Numerous testimonies have been given how it has helped them in the four (4) areas of their life: spiritually, physically, socially, and mentally. We put emphasis on Luke 2:52 Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God_ and man which includes the four areas already mentioned.

We started with a 12 week course but this fall we are going to have an 8 week course. We are introducing new subjects that are of interest to our ladies in this present time. Learn to be flexible and follow the leadings of the Spirit of God.

The following is a basic outline on how to organize. I have also included our most recent brochure for your benefit.

1. Pick the day and time for your meeting.
2. Select your teachers. We offer Bible related classes and craft classes, nutritional classes, home decorating and others. Also, notice new ones on brochure.
3. Organize a refreshment committee under the direction of the ladies auxiliary leader.
a. There are refreshments served each week with table cloths on the tables, candles, and an attractive food arrangement. Expenses come from the registration fund.
b. We have a potluck every few weeks to stimulate interest, which is very successful.
4. Appoint a secretary. Her duties are to:
a. Collect registration fees from each lady. This is the form of a lump sum of $12.00, or if they desire they can pay $1.00 weekly.
b. Collects baby sitting money and is responsible for paying the baby sitter.
5. Appoint a welcome committee. Duties are to:
a. Be there early and greet new ones, creating a friendly atmosphere.
6. Prayer Captain
a. Is completely in charge of the prayer time. She can give a short devotional and pray for requests and then have the ladies share answered prayers.
7. Sing-along Leader
a. She will be responsible for the time of singing and worship and will create a spirit of unity.
8. Promotional Committee
a. Make all signs and distribute in places of community and church.
b. Make welcome badges and be there to pin them on.

You will need to meet with the key workers to define goals and answer questions. An example of scheduling is as follows for a daytime meeting:

* 8:30 – 9:00 – Registration and Organization
* 9:00 – 9:30 – Prayer
* 9:30 – 10:10 – Bible Class
* 10:10 – 10:25 – Sing-along
* 10:25 – 10:30 – Pass to craft classes
* 10:30 – 11:40 – Craft Classes
* 11:40 – 12:15 – Refreshments and fellowship

Another important area that needs to be organized is the children. You will need to advertise for a competent baby sitter. She will have to be paid, but it is a must to have one. This is a time when the ladies need to be free of their children to participate, relax, and learn.

Sample Promotional Flyer Text:

Coming In the Fall
Radiant Life Classes

Pre-Register now = $10.00 fee for 8 week course

For all Ladies = Young – Middle Age – & Older 18 – 100

Dates: Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 Monday evenings 6:15 – 9:30

Bible Subjects taught by Sister Joy Haney
1. As a woman thinketh
2. Order – Organization
3. God’s plan in marriage
4. A good wife
5. TNT
6. Training the child
7. Character development
8. Setting goals – Reaching them

Classes also offered: Taught by qualified staff

* Exercise – Aerobics
* Free to be thin
* Color me beautiful
* Cake decorating
* Professional Arts and Crafts
* LaLeche League (Nuturing the child)

Inspirational talks by:
Olive Haney
Nancy Dillworth
Judy Segraves
Peggy Brewster
Sandra Davis
Other features:
Prayer time
Refreshments and fellowship
Baby sitting (small fee)

Please clip and give to registrar = Bonnie Smelser or box in office




Please check extra classes you are interested in:

o Exercise Aerobics
o Free to be thin
o Color me beautiful
o Cake decorating
o Professional Arts and Crafts
o Nurturing the Child

If mailing mail to:
Radiant Life
9025 N. West Lane
Stockton, CA 95210

The burden for conducting the program is there every week, but it is rewarding to see the ladies growing in the knowledge of the Word, deepening friendships, and bringing new ones to the classes.

Ladies Auxiliary

“She hath done what she could.” This is an important group that involves itself in many areas. Financially they aid different departments and help whenever needed. They also meet the needs of the shut-ins and are effective in numerous other ministries.

In Acts 9:36, There was a woman who “Worked with her hands” to further the Work of God. She “made” and “sold” to bring in finances to help pay for needed things to promote the Kingdom of God. She worked untiringly with a sweet, kind spirit, doing what she could, using the “built in” talent God endowed her with. The training in this endeavor is in every woman to use as she wills.

Auxiliary means: “helpful”, “aid”, “to increase”, “to grow”, and “assist”. That is the purpose of our Ladies group just as Dorcas “set up” her “shop”, and engaged “helpers” to see it grow and flourish.

Our finances are made by various things. We hold two annual bazaars, plus a Christmas wrapping booth in the Mall every Christmas season for the month of December, working everyday nine and ten hours. Also, in cooperation with a city-wide program we “set” up our table with goods to sell in Lincoln Village (a local shopping center). Much of our finances come in pledges and donations on a monthly basis. We have many faithful givers. Our help is recruited. Just a simple invitation to help and we get lots of cooperation.

On the spiritual side of the ledger, we have a visitation program for the sick. Many times gifts are given to hospitalized invalids and tapes are taken to shut-ins. If we see another department really struggling, we help them financially also. We are a rounded out organization both financially and spiritually equipped to do the job. We have paid for the new piano and organ in the main auditorium and support Mothers Memorial Program annually, which is a Missionary World Wide Program.

The Potential is great! A handful of “willing workers’, a “mind to work” and a “heart full of love” are the ingredients for this type of work to succeed.

This article “Radiant Life Women’s Ministry” by Carla Baldwin was excerpted from: Christian Life Center, Stockton, CA. Festival of Evangelism Workbook, 1982. It may be used for study & research purposes only.