Saturation Visitation


The following outline is not designed to be a “visitation” program only. It is, however, intended as a plan of witnessing saturation of your area with complete records, organization, follow-up and review. Study it carefully and implement it in detail. It works!


I. Training

( A nation has never sent its men to the front lines without some form of basic training. It would simply not be fair. Likewise, we should train our soldiers before sending them to battle We have the greatest weapons and ammunition in the world, but they
will be literally useless unless the warrior is trained as to their operation.)

A. An excellent soulwinning course has been made available to us in the “Power Witness.” We should use it.

B. In addition if the soulwinner could be given two or three good approaches to use concerning the principles of other doctrine, it would be greatly helpful. This would include: What it takes to be born again;” Jesus’ name baptism; Proof that Jesus is coming right away; Some questions Trinitarians can’t answer such as, “Who raised Jesus from the dead-Father, Son, or Holy Ghost?”

C. Two weeks every night is not too much to devote to training. It pays off!

II. Kicking Off The Effort

A. Select the Outreach Director and representatives. Let them study procedures and become familiar with the operation.

B. Set up files that will be needed according to the set procedure.

C. Print up worksheets like the one attached to this procedure. Print several weeks’ supply.

D. Be sure you have all needed cards and tracts. This includes (1) Prospects’ cards, (2) Visitation assignment cards, (3) Tracts- Some suggested tracts are, “Except Ye Repent,” “WaterBaptism,” “The Gift of the Holy Spirit,” “Speaking With Tongues,” “Why Did God Choose Tongues?,” “Why We Baptize In Jesus’ Name,” “New Testament Salvation,” “Sin, What Is It?,” and “Saving Faith.” All the foregoing can be obtained from the World Evangelism Center. Of course there are many other wonderful tracts, also. (Don’t forget your church brochure. )

E. For the first two weeks, everyone will work as part of the first-call team. Merely choose up partners, and assign them territory to work using the worksheets. Then carry on according to first-call procedure.

F. After 2 weeks you will want to choose the follow-up team. Most of the time you can get this team by asking them which they
feel they are most qualified to do. The follow-up teams should have a pretty good knowledge of the scriptures. The pastor should
work with Outreach Director in finally deciding who will be on this team.

G. Conduct follow-up team according to procedure and your evangelism program is in full swing.

III. Getting Everyone Involved

A. Have service on regular service nights. The other nights have the folks come as though they were coming for revival. Instead
have children’s church for all under fifteen, and let the adults go witness. This way everyone gets involved from the beginning.
Later on, the workers will not come to the church, but this will help to get them in the witnessing habit.

B. According to the Bible, can anyone who doesn’t witness be saved?



The first call teams will have two responsibilities – first calls and second calls. After the second call is made, further follow-up becomes the responsibility of the call-back teams.

I. Making First Calls

A. Always give a church flyer or brochure.

B. Always leave some tracts with the prospect. This gives you a reason to return so that you may discuss tracts’ contents.

C . If there is any hope at all of developing the prospect, make out a prospect card, (obtainable from General Home Missions
Department). In making out prospect card remember 6 things: (1) Name, (2) Address, (3) City, (4) Date, (5) Make good thorough
comments! Include tracts given, topics discussed, prospect’s religious background, etc., (6) Write legibly!!! A card is useless unless it is readable.

D. Turn the new prospect card in to your representative as soon after the first call is made as possible. The representative will return the card to you when time for the second call.

E. Record addresses of all houses where the people were not home. Do this on the “First Call Worksheet” in the space provided. As you work your assigned area, keep going back to these addresses until you find the people home. When you find them home, check them off your ” Not Home” list in the space provided. Thus, when you reach the end of an assigned area, you know that the ENTIRE area has been covered.

II. Making Second Calls

A. Receive prospect cards from your representative or the Outreach Director when the time arrives for the second visit. Study your comments from the last visit and prayerfully plan your tactic of approach. Do not merely blunder into a second call. The
second visit is very important for usually the prospect will go one way or the other at the time of the second visit.

B. Have additional tracts and pamphlets to give the prospect.

C. If possible, tactfully obtain permission for call-back team or pastor to visit for further and deeper discussion.

D. Record further comments on card and date of the second visit.

E. If prospect flatly rejects efforts and there is no further hope, mark the card for disposal.

F. If another visit is in order, indicate the best time according to your judgment for next call. (ie., l wk., 2 wks., 3 days, etc.)

G. Turn card in to representative after second visit is completed. Also check that name off your worksheet in the space marked “second visit made.” If you do not catch the prospect at home by the time to hand in your worksheet, mark “Not Home” beside prospect’s name on worksheet. Hand the prospect’s card in with your worksheet to the representative. It will be re-assigned to you the next week on your new sheet.


The follow-up teams will be responsible for working with prospects that are still interested after the second call has been made by the first-call teams. They will keep working with a prospect until the prospect either is saved or hardens his heart completely against the truth.

I. Preparing For The Visit

A. You will receive the prospect’s name, address and pertinent comments on a visitation assignment card. This will be prepared for you by the head of the follow-up team.

B . Thoroughly absorb information from past visits and prayerfully plan your approach. You should get in the home quite easily in most cases since the ice has already been broken. In some cases, it may be beneficial to discuss the prospect with the first-call team that originally made the contact.

C . Always have a complete supply of literature with you. Leave literature on any aspect of Salvation which is discussed if they, by this time, don’t have that particular piece of literature.

II. Making The Visit

A. Remember to continually encourage the prospect to attend service. One visit to a Holy Ghost service can bring total
victory!! Use your entire ability and knowledge of a successful visit and how to deal with a soul. Be a “Power Witness.”

B. Record the result of your visit in the appropriate place on the visitation assignment card. Any topic discussed that seemed to move the prospect should be noted. You will forget from one visit to the next, so make good comments.

C. Record the date of your visit and the date which you believe would be best for next call. (i. e, 1 wk., 2 wks., 1 month). Some trails are hotter than others. Some people might resent a visit that is too frequent.

D. Usually the same follow-up team will continue on a prospect week after week until there is a reason for change. When the follow-up team on a particular prospect feels a change would be beneficial, it should be noted on the visitation assignment card. Some reasons for transferring a prospect from one follow-up team to another are as follows: (1) Time for the pastor to call, (2) Men have been visiting, needs a woman; or vice versa, (3) Switch from older follow-up team to younger or vice versa etc.

E. When all four visits on the visitation assignment card have been completed, turn card in to follow-up team representative for the recording of your new comments on the filed prospect card.

F. Do your best to keep these assigned visits completed. They should be turned in no Later than a week after they were assigned.

G. Any prospect that you don’t find at home should be visited again. If at the end of the week, you still have not found them at home, write “Not Home” in space for comments and turn card in. This call will be re-assigned the next week.

H. Remember to pray for your prospects! Jesus said, “Without me ye can do nothing.”


I. To Correlate All Functions Of The First-Call Team For Which They Are Responsible

A. Make sure that all workers are happy with their assigned partners. If there are problems in this respect, it should be conveyed to the Outreach Director and pastor for adjustment. This point should be checked periodically.

B. Give a report every month to the pastor on the amount of visitation done by each individual in your group. This information should be kept weekly by means of the representatives’ report sheet. This report includes the number of new prospects secured and the number of second visits made each week. Not only should this be given to the pastor every month, but also should constantly be available for the pastor to see. This report sheet is valuable for several reasons:
(1) If some teams are not doing at least some visitation, the pastor will want to encourage these to get involved.
(2) This serves as a gauge concerning the effectiveness of any given team; thus, pointing up the need for additional training. Also, some may be better suited for follow-up work because of their particular personality and experience. A productive team should not usually be disturbed.

II. Give Out New Worksheets To Every Team In Your Group Each Sunday Night

A. Assigning new territory – By use of a city map and by personally viewing the area, assign each team new territory each week. The location of this territory, for example, should be indicated as follows: Pearl St from 800 through 1200 or Pearl St. from Robinson St. to Meridian St. Place this territorial assignment on the worksheet in the place provided. If the new territory was not completed in one week, transfer the remainder to the new worksheet at the end of the week, plus giving as much additional territory as they can handle.

B. Any “Not Homes” still not found home at the time of handing in the worksheet should be transferred to the new worksheet for further effort.

C. Assigning second visits.
1. The same people who made the first visit should make the second visit since a familiar face will be more likely to receive a friendly reception. Also, they can usually pick the conversation up right where they left off the previous week.
2. Place the names of those prospects due for a second visit in the place provided for this on the worksheet. Also, give the workers the prospect card itself so they can record further comments. The purpose of putting the prospect’s name on the worksheet is to safeguard against losing prospect cards. If one is lost, you still have the prospects’ name.

III. To Keep An Accurate Record Of The Amount Of Your Assigned Territory The Group Has Covered.

A. Have a map of the city, and color in your territory as it is completely done. This information should then be transferred to
the master map from each representative’s map. This master map should be displayed in a prominent place in the church as the
people can see the progress being made toward evangelizing the city. (Do not color in an area until it is completely done.)


I. To Help The Representative In Any Way Possible

II. To Work Right With The Representative so that in his absence can carry right on without a break in stride.


The Outreach Director will be in charge of the entire outreach operation; HOWEVER, always remember you are under the leadership of the pastor. Make no major decisions of any kind affecting the outreach program without consulting with the pastor.
The Outreach Director also will be the head of the follow-up team.

I. You Should Understand The Entire Operation Of The Evangelism Program.

A. Study carefully all procedures until they are clearly planted in your mind. Any problems or questions which arise should be taken to the pastor and discussed.

B. Inform the pastor of all materials needed far enough in advance so he can order them or make arrangements to obtain
them (See procedure covering materials needed.) (1) Arrange for printing of worksheets and representative report sheets.
(2) Have someone responsible for keeping a supply of tracts, prospect cards, etc. , in a place accessible to the people.

C. You, yourself, should make at least some first-calls and many follow-up calls so that you can really understand the needs of the workers. You can’t ask others to do that which you won’t do yourself.

D. Continually check all systems to make sure they are working up to date. Sometimes to wait a week too long to call on someone will cause them to end up in another church.
II. Duties As The Head Of The Follow-up Team

A. When a prospect becomes the responsibility of the follow-up group, a very important decision is yours to make – Who will be assigned to this prospect? By studying the comments on the prospect card and by knowing the knowledge and personalities of your different follow-up teams, you will be able to assign the prospect to the proper follow-up team.

B. The follow-up teams’ visits should be assigned to them once and possibly twice a week.

C. Assign visits on visitation assignment card.
1. If possible, fill out all four spaces provided on the visitation card. The information for this will be taken from the typed prospect card which is kept in the permanent master file.
2. When transferring comments from the typed prospect card to the visitation assignment card, merely summarize as briefly as
possible. Yet be sure to give all information that will aid the worker.
3. Be sure to put the name to whom the prospect is assigned and the date of assignment. The date of assignment enables you to be
sure that these calls are done promptly.
4. See filing procedure for the treatment of the visitation assignment cards after they have been completed.

D. Read every comment of each visit made. This enables you to know how to further deal with the prospect. For example:
1. It could be best not to visit for two or three weeks.
2. Perhaps you should switch the prospect from one follow-up team to the other.
3. If a prospect is on the verge of coming into the church, it is time for a visit from the pastor. This carries a lot of weight with people and many times will bring them right on into the church.

E. Be very diligent in your oversight of the follow-up team. This is where the souls are won.

III. Remember: Workers Must Be Trained. There should be periodic soul-winning sessions held to upgrade the ability of the worker.


Records are vital in wide scale evangelism. When a church has between 100 and 200 prospect families, there is no way to keep
these on the line without good, orderly records. All the following filing systems will use 4″ x 6″ cards. Thus, 4″ x 6″ metal boxes are usually the best containers for these files.

I. The First-call Representative’s File (one for each representative)

A. A file heading should be made for each day and each night your church does not have service. For example, if you have
service Tuesday and Friday, you would have the following cards to file behind:

(1) Monday-day, (2) Monday Night, (3) Tuesday-day, (4) Wednesday-day, (5) Wednesday Night (6) Thursday-day, (7) Thursday Night (8) Friday-day, (9) Saturday-day, (10) Saturday Night

B. In addition to this, you should have a heading – “Wait more than a week.”

II. The Follow-up File (Somewhat the same as above, but with some additions. It will be as follows:)

A. (1) Mon.-day (2) Mon.-night (3) Tues.-day (4) Wed.-day (5) Wed.-night (6) Thurs.-day (7) Thurs.-night (8) Fri.-day (9) Sat.-day (10) Sat.-night (11) Hold longer than week (12) Three months file (13) Assigned for follow-up (14) Victory-Now Saved!

III. Outreach Secretaries File

A. Three divisions: (1) Prospect cards to be typed (2) Assigned visits completed (3) Cards ready for follow-up file.


I. When a new prospect is found the first-call team should make out a prospect card and give to their representative. This
prospect card should then be filed by the first-call representative in his file behind the day that the visit should be made, the following week. (i.e., a call made on Wednesday night should be filed behind Wednesday night). Thus, the representative knows that the card should be assigned to the same team for second visit on that same day of the following week. In almost all cases, the second call should be made one week after the first contact.

II. When the second visit is completed, the handwritten prospect card with the additional comments should be placed in the outreach secretary’s file under “Prospect cards to be typed,” if the home is still considered a prospect. If after the second call there seems to be no hope of reaching the prospect, place a large X across the card for disposal.

III.. The outreach secretary will then transfer all information from the handwritten copy to the typed permanent copy. The typed copy should be placed in the secretary’s file behind “Card ready for follow-up file”. Handwritten copies should then be destroyed.

IV. The Outreach Director will take these typed cards from the secretary’s “Card ready for follow-up file” and file in the follow-up file behind the day the next call should probably be made. If the prospect is quite interested, the next call should probably be made one week from the date of the previous visit. If it is thought that a week is too soon for the next visit, file behind “Wait longer than a week.” Then the next week those under this heading must be reviewed and integrated into the current week’s filing. In rare cases where the worker doesn’t feel further attempts at the present are in order but yet on the other hand is against totally discarding prospect, the prospect could be placed behind “Three months file.” These prospects should then be visited in three months.

V. When time for the next visit arrives, the Outreach Director pulls the prospect card from the follow-up file. He then places the prospect’s name, address, and comments on a visitation assignment card for one of the follow-up teams. The assignment card is then given to the workers, and the prospect card is filed alphabetically in the follow-up file behind “Assigned for follow-up.” The prospect cards will be then held in abeyance there until the visitation assignment card is completed.

VI. When the assignment card is completed, it should be placed in the secretary’s file behind “Assigned visits completed.” The
secretary will then pull the prospects’ card from “Assigned for call-back” and record the results of the visit on the prospect card.
The prospect card is then placed behind “Cards ready for follow-up file,” and the assignment card is thrown away.

VII. The Outreach Director, thus, takes the prospect card from “Cards ready for follow-up file” and files them in the follow-up file
under the day the next visit should be made. Then the cycle starts all over again. This goes on until the prospect’s heart is hardened to the word of God and totally rejects, or until he is baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. Those converted then are
permanently filed under “Victory-Now Saved!”


The duties of the outreach secretary are enumerated in the above procedure. It is vital that the secretarial work be kept current.
All typing should be totally completed at least twice a week. An assistant secretary may be very helpful so that should the secretary be unable to perform her duties on time, the work will still be done.