Solving Discipline Problems In Classroom

Sara D. Paul


Diagnosis of Problem:

1. Who are the principal people involved?

2. Which of them are disturbed or distressed by the problem?

3. Does the problem disturb the entire class?

4. Is the level of your annoyance or irritation higher than seems appropriate in relation to the consequences of the problem?

5. Do you understand the motives of the persons involved? The reasons behind the behavior.



1. Focus on the behavior rather than the person. It is important to refer to what a person does, rather than comment on what you imagine he is. It is better to say that a person “talked a good deal in the class than to
call him a loud mouth.

2. Focus on what the action is rather than why. The background information of what, how, when and where answers the question of why the action is. This information is very valuable to you the teacher, and can only be learned by systematic care of the person, visiting them in their home,taking them for a hamburger, spending fruitful hours with them. To make assumptions from your knowledge of the person may prevent him from hearing what you are saying. If it is necessary to have a motive; allow the person to explain.

3. Focus on speaking words easy to understand and to the point. A common failing of teachers is-THEY TALK TOO MUCH.

4. Focus on alternatives. People of all ages like to make a choice. Make an alternative-give yourself room to say, “You may choose this or that.” Both behaviors being accept able with the added value of choice.

5. Focus on the amount of information the persons receiving it can use. Rather than on the amount you have to give. When we give more than can be used we are actually satisfying some need of our own instead of helping the student. We are in fact bringing boredom to our class.

6. Focus on description of behavior. Describing is reporting what has occurred. Judging is evaluating in terms of “good or bad”, “right or wrong.” It is far better to say in a positive manner, ” we conduct ourselves this way” or for smaller children, “we do this”.






Valuable Sources:

* Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – By: Marie Frost

* First Teacher
P.O. Box 1308t
Fort Lee, NJ 07024

* Dare to Discipline – Dr. James Dobson, PhD

* Bright Child-Poor Grades – Barry and Patricia Bricklin PhD

Cultivate the Attitude:

With God all Things are Possible – Mark 10, 27


Change, Grow, Accomplish

Our Goal – To Teach Everyone In All Wisdom That We May Present Everyone PERFECT in Christ Jesus Col. 2, 28

The Source:

Holy Bible

James 1, 5 – If any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Isaiah 30, 21 – And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it when ye turn to the right hand and when ye turn to the left.


CAUTION: Immediate suggestions are not always the answer

Conscious Mind – Pray

* mull the problem over

* give your mind all the facts

Subconscious Mind – Sleep

* a rich reservoir of information

* get the answer: wake up – get up



7. Focus on being consistent. Everyone needs acceptable guide lines, especially yourself as the leader and your students as potential leaders and witnesses for Christ. Older students can help draw up your classroom guidelines. Be consistent in keeping the few rules you make.

8. Focus on your attitude. Whenever you feel frustration, boredom, anxiety, anger or helplessness-all problems will appear impossible to solve. Your students will catch your spirit. Look for the inner conflict in yourself. Commit it to the Lord and have faith in Him. He will be your problem solver.

9. Focus on creative powers. When your creative powers have become dormant or at a standstill, chances are the students reflect the same feeling. Immediately start witnessing for Jesus. Organize a soul winning campaign in your classroom.

l0.Focus on feedback. Feedback from your students is the only effective means for you to understand how informative your teaching has been. Their response is a true measure of your effectiveness.



1. The problem, lack of attention in the adult class. The answer came through prayer, teaching on being an example and soul winning. The teacher no longer taught in a monotone voice, began to use charts, audio visuals. The class became alive, began to worship God and bring unsaved people to hear their teacher teach the Word of God.

2. Jeanie–the five year old problem–Tantrums, biting herself and others, hitting, wetting her clothes, and other things. She had been put in a special class in public school and failed. Her psychologist and mother had given up in despair. One of our church members recommended us so highly I felt obligated to take her on a trial basis with mother’s help. The behavior change came through positive attitudes of communication and watching closely to prevent harm to others. The mother, who was a single parent, felt she was a complete failure. We had to build self confidence in her through talking and building up her attributes. Through giving her permission to visit me in my office during quiet time we helped to ease her frustration. Most often I would pray with her. When Jeanie bit herself or anyone else, we said in an angry tone, “Stop biting–that hurts!” or,”ouch, that hurts! I don’t like you to hit my friends.” On wetting her clothes (this she did to get attention from her peers), “If you want to wear wet clothes and smell badly then go ahead. All of your friends go to the bathroom. You can use the bathroom too.” Most important, we all loved her. Today she is able to function normally. Many children have at least one of Jeanie’s problems. The same methods will bring about a behavior change for others.


3. The Tantrum Problem–Tantrum behavior is learned usually through parents at home. Small children, older children, teens and adult have tantrums. Example: Mom and Dad are shopping–Billie is riding in the
shopping cart. Billie says, “I want candy!” Mother says, “I will get you candy at the check out stand.” Billie yells and kicks–“I want candy!” Everyone around them is looking. Dad says, “Oh go get him some candy. Maybe he will stop his yelling.” Billie has learned he can scream and get – what he wants. When Billie comes to class he wants another child’s chair, crayons or toy. The teacher says, “This is your chair,” and gives him one. (or crayon or toy). Billie throws a tantrum. Never give Billie what he wants. Let him throw his tantrum and kick it out. He will soon realize this isn’t the thing to do. A good superintendent will make provisions to visit the classrooms and take out people who are disrupting the class. Never give a reward for unacceptable behavior. A compliment is in order when the child stops the tantrum. Say, “Billie, that is good you have stopped yelling and kicking. I am happy for you..”


Take Richie, who kept the teen class in an uproar, the teacherin despair, and learning to a minimum. He knows all the answers, has been raising problems all along since he has been raised in the church. Class members came for the show or dropped out as they didn’t like the show. Richie learned early that tantrums got what he wanted. Now he actually felt he needed to run the class…..with no respect for the teacher. He feels he is more capable. The superintendent places a new teacher in the class. You as the new teacher have been ordained by God to teach. Due to limited time and in order to give all class members an equal opportunity to fit themselves to the job God wants them to do. You feel it is necessary to set up classroom guidelines. Do so. So much time for prayer, lesson teaching, discussion, etc. Limit your students to two
minutes per person (to prevent Richie from taking over) testimonies of witnessing etc. You the teacher must visit each student (Richie too) in their home. Discuss the goals, asking for and incorporating their opinions. We can fail God in making our older classes a social gathering place. Good social activity is necessary but to turn these youngsters into soul winners, give them the fulfilled portion.

5. Results of The Adult Tantrum—feels unwanted, the teacher never shakes his hand. He can put up with a teacher who uses a boring voice or one too loud but the lack of attention is too much. He cannot cope with the unwanted feeling. He simply will not attend the class. He will go where he feels appreciated. The answer is visitation by the teacher. Be sincere and find an avenue of communication. Most people are won to Jesus through the teaching of the Word. Let us live to win the respect of all men as a Christian. The same methods in Problem Solving can be used in Sunday School, Preschools, Christian school, or Bus ministry. They differ in the time elements.



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