Standards of Music Ministries

Standards of Music Ministries
BY:T&J Hudson

In order to have a spiritual church and to ensure that our approach to God through the medium of music is in a manner that is approved by Him, please abide by the following:

A. All members of the orchestra must endeavor to comply with the eligibility requirements and obligations of church membership.

B. Those who do not come in time to practice with the Music Team before the service are requested not to enter the Orchestra for that meeting. The King’s business requires punctuality. It is a privilege to play for God.

C. True dedication requires Musicians to be at church for prayer thirty minutes before service. The Pianist and Organist begin playing softly ten minutes before service is to begin. Other musicians will remain in prayer until service begins.

D. The organ and piano, if needed, are the only instruments played during the altar invitation. Do not play the other instruments unless requested to do so by the Music Director.

E. When the Pastor asks the congregation to bow their heads, this also applies to orchestra members.

F. All orchestra members are to keep their attention focused on the platform. Do not look around at the congregation during the course of the service.

G. Faithfulness is required of all stewards. Therefore, all musicians are required to be faithful.

H. Cooperate with the Orchestra Director, and if you have any complaints or suggestions, write them down and give them to the Orchestra Director or Music Director.

I. No one should join the orchestra, except by the Orchestra Director’s and Music Director’s approval.

J. All members must dress neatly and use good hygiene. All must dress modestly and moderately as becomes a Christian.

K. Members should never be offended if the Orchestra Director or Music Director or someone in authority asks them to soften their music or gives them other instructions. Remember that musicians and their instruments belong to God. Therefore, it is always right to submit to those in charge.