Sunday School Staff Contract (26-7)

Sunday School Staff Contract
Author Unknown

As a Sunday School Staff Member, I appreciate the privilege I have in this high calling. Depending upon God, I humbly and earnestly pledge myself to the fol¬lowing standard which our school has ado-Led, believing it to be in accordance with His plan.

1. My first desire shall be to bring about the salvation of each pupil, who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ, and to encourage the spiritual growth of those who do.

2. I will carefully prepare my lesson or presentation and make each class session a matter of earnest prayer. I will spend a minimum of two hours weekly in lesson preparation, room clean-up and visitation.

3. I will endeavor to keep my room neat, clean and presentable, as befitting a Sunday School Class Room.

4. As a member of the Church, I will teach in accordance with its doctrines and will set an example of holiness in dress, conversation, prayer and Godly living, and will attend all services of the Church if at all possible.

5. I will sit with my pupils in opening and closing exercises and will strive to make a personal contact and friendship with each one in order to win them to the Lord.

6. I understand it is my responsibility to see that all absentees in my class are contacted before the next Sunday. I will return all visitation slips the following Sunday.

7. As a Sunday School Staff Member, I will attend, unless unavoidable hindered, the staff meetings and workers’ training classes offered by the School. At the monthly staff meetings will submit a teacher report as required by the Super¬intendent.

8. If at any time, through sickness or other emergency I am unable to teach my class, I will notify my Superintendent at the earliest possible moment. (Superintendents will notify General Superintendent).

9. I will endeavor, as a shepherd over my pupils, to lead them by arriving at the appointed and designated time (Supts. 9:15 a.m., Teachers 9:30 a.m.), and by leading the way as a true shepherd over his sheep, in every activity of our school.

10. I understand that my appointment as a teacher is for a twelve month period.
If it is impossible for me to continue teaching my class, or accept reappointment, I will endeavor to notify the Superintendent one month in advance.

11. I will be faithful. If for some reason I cannot fulfil my duties, I will confer with my Superintendent and will surrender my class to another teacher if that seems advisable

12. I will sign in on the Morning Report and fill in all blanks accordingly each Sunday Morning giving exact time I report in.

Knowing that responsibility and accountability), are scriptural and absolutely essential, I pledge myself to the above rules and will do my best, with God’s help, to fulfill my obligations

NAME: ___________________________

OFFICE: __________________________

DATE: ____________________________

The above article, “Sunday School Staff Contract” was written by Author Unknown. The article was submitted for the use by Tim Massengale. December 2016.

The material is copyrighted and should not be reprinted under any other name or author. However, this material may be freely used for personal study or research purposes.