Teacher’s Responsibilities Out Of Class

Based on Acts 15:36
By David R. Green


I. Planning Session
II. Training Time
III. Visitation
IV. Social Events
V. Preparation
VI. Ministering to Individuals


I. Planning Session: When?

1. Before or after mid-week service.
2. Know what you are going to do next Sunday, such as activity, etc.
3. Utilize every minute of your time.



1. Educational – work as a team.
2. Gain a vision of the whole task.
3. See the place of one’s individual work.
4. Help solve problems.
5. Reach more with leadership training.
6. Help formulate plans for the class and Sunday School.
7. Fellowship and counsel (Proverbs 15:22)



1. Superintendent in charge.
2. Keep minutes.
3. Devotion.
4. Utilize every minute with agenda.


II. Training Time

1. Have at least one training course each year.
2. Keep a back-log of substitute teachers.
3. Have on the job training-apprenticeship-test and see how they do before giving complete responsibility.


III. Visitation

1. Visit each absentee faithfully (cards and calls are good, but nothing takes the place of a personal visit).
2. Visit the absentee as early in the week as possible (Sunday afternoon or Monday is preferred).
3. The Superintendent of the Department is responsible to assign absentees from the class. Give some to each teacher.
4. Bring back a report of your findings and results to the Class Superintendent.
5. Make visitation fun. Much good can be the result of visitation. Meet the parents and make friends of the children who are real prospects for the Sunday School and church.
6. Go out as a group (or at the same time).
7. Have a goal set to reach five new ones each week as a class.
8. Stay with one or two and win them to Jesus.


IV. Social Events

1. Have weekly or monthly or quarterly get-together as a class. Outings, camping, travel, conference, picnic, playing games, etc.
2. Birthday’s are a good time to have a party. Have a party each month and honor all who had a birthday that month.
3. Have a special outing at the end of a Sunday School contest or drive.
4. When class doubles have a nice social event.
5. Have a party for teacher’s birthday, etc.


V. Preparation

1. Preparation takes time and should be taken seriously and done diligently with much prayer.
2. a. Study the lesson in the quarterly.
b. Read all the Scriptures in the quarterly.
c. Pray about your class needs.
d. Formulate your outline (needs of pupils, the Word, examples, results, pupil’s doings).
e. Read other commentaries and books.
f. File newspaper, magazine clippings on the lesson.
3. Every teaching session should have the following four parts:
a. Worship,
b. Word.
c. Activity.
d. Application.


VI. Ministering to Individuals

1. Make yourself available to your class members.
2. Make them to understand that you care and want to help them.
3. Learn about your pupils – this is very important.
4. Spend a little time with them personally (lunch, etc.).



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