The Greatest…

The Greatest…
By: Derek Longfellow

1. The Greatest Sin: Fear
2. The Best Day: Today
3. The Biggest Fool: The child who will not go to school
4. The Best Town: Where you succeed
5. The Most Agreeable Companion: One who would not have you any different than what you are
6. The Greatest Bore: The one who will not come to the point
7. A Still Greater Bore: One who keeps on talking after he has made his point
8. The Greatest Deceiver: One who deceives himself
9. The Greatest Invention of the Devil: War
10. The Greatest Secret of Production: Saving waste
11. The Best Work: What you like
12. The Best Play: Work
13. The Greatest Comfort: The knowledge that you have done your work well
14. The Greatest Mistake: Giving up
15. The Most Expensive Indulgence: Hate
16. The Cheapest, Stupidest, and Easiest Thing to Do: Finding fault
17. The Greatest Troublemaker: One who talks too much
18. The Greatest Stumbling Block: Egotism
19. The Most Ridiculous Asset: Pride
20. The Worst Bankrupt: The soul that has lost its enthusiasm
21. The Cleverest Man: One who always does what he thinks is right
22. The Most Dangerous Person: The liar
23. The Most Disagreeable Person: The complainer
24. The Best Teacher: One who makes you want to learn
25. The Meanest Feeling of Which any Human is Capable: Feeling bad at another’s expense.
26. The Greatest Need: Common sense
27. The Greatest Puzzle: Life
28. The Greatest Mystery: Death
29. The Greatest Thought: God
30. The Greatest Thing in the World: Love

The author of this was 13 years old.