The Local Church and the God-Called Missionary

He was the Master! He openly expressed it! Yet He was approachable … His preaching transmitted a personal appeal to every social level of men everywhere. Every ear was finely tuned to the message as though they were alone with Him for the moment. Every eye was focused upon the face of one who could communicate with such clarity: “Come unto me,” He would cry aloud, “all ye that labor and are heavy laden… and I will give you rest!”

By Daniel Scott, Sr.

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Why Evangelize the World?

The world into which we were born is a hostile envi¬ronment. Through the entire stages of our lives there is a tearing, searing spirit of unrest that reminds us of the con¬stant pounding of the waves of the sea upon the seashore. Ceaseless activity crashing day and night with a tremen¬dous force … relentless in its quest to swallow everything that can be swept away into its currents.

From the time we were born life began its war to destroy the tranquility of the soul, and everything that is considered normal. Around every corner hope peers with anxious desire that there is a peace that will satisfy the human heart. The search seems endless, but outside the gospel there is no peace.

It is not that the world is an incubator for trouble or heartbreak; the world is people … all kinds of people. People like you and me. The heart of every man merely desires to live his life and conclude his time on the earth with a smile of satisfaction that the journey has been one of personal contentment.

Is life any different in any other culture? Is it different than during any other era of time? Is not the basis of human happiness a peace that prevails within the soul? This is where the gospel is relentless in its mission to transform the lives of all men everywhere. It produces the changes most necessary to provide the principles that will ultimately lift the human heart from depravity and onto a solid foundation of hope.

The key to every man’s future and security is found in Jesus Christ. As in the time of His earthly ministry when men thronged to learn of the principles he taught, those same principles became woven into the power of the gospel that He entrusted to those who would proclaim it in His stead. What was it that inspired such interest?

Through the entirety of Jesus’ earthly ministry, the one thing that stood out most vividly was the simplicity of His methods. Contrary to the ways of modern ministry He did not extend his kingdom by a spectacular promotion Nor did He seek after the social levels of the more affluent.

Jesus ministered to the needs of those that were impacted by His presence, and He made them feel comfortable with His ministry. By His own admission, He established His purpose … “For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

The religious leaders found Him affecting multitudes of people. They came from miles around and endured hunger and discomfort to assimilate His teaching into their lives. As the people responded to His principles, there was a forceful opposition ignited by a jealous passion in those leaders.

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