The Pastor’s Role In Divine Healing

The Pastor’s Role In Divine Healing
By: Jack Hayford

It’s not a matter of choice. The ministry of healing in the localchurch is a primary responsibility for we who pastor.

The ‘climate’ for healing is developed and sustained where the love of God is pronouncedly declared and demonstrated. It rises with solid teaching and is released when we recognize that it’s only our call to ‘extend’ the ministry of healing, not defend it. Unbelief feeds on defensiveness – that sense of needing to protect God from “failing” someone’s expectations. Once I submit to that burden, I will cease to foster boldness among the congregation in praying for the sick, and I will be inclined toward withdrawal myself.

At our church, the time and place for healing is provided through a Personal Ministry Room. It’s open following every service and staffed by people prepared to counsel or pray about problems, healing, deliverance or the fullness of the Spirit.

As a means of consistent pursuit of healing, I also like to periodically place a “healing statement” before the people. It gives them something to study and think about, something around which to develop roots. Perhaps mine will help you frame your own – or you may wish to use it as it stands:

I Believe In God’s Will To Heal

I believe it is God’s will to heal and deliver the sick and the tormented, and that He has revealed the fullness of His healing purpose n His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe it is in God’s nature to work redemptivly to heal by every possible means, inasmuch as His mercy and loving-kindness are ever open to provide grace for the relief of human need, pain, misery and sin.

Because I believe this, I offer praise to the Creator who has made all things well, affirming that all sickness and pain is adverse to His will and desire for mankind, and has only come upon the race because of man’s fallen state. I declare thanksgiving to Him for the fact that -notwithstanding every effort of hell to steal, kill and destroy all of mankind, compounded by human weakness and vulnerability to pain, sickness, deforminty and tragedy – the Father has appointed multiple havens of refuge from sickness and pain: through natural recuperative processes; through climate and diet; through the charitable efforts of mankind through hospitals, doctors and medicine; and through the divine means of healing gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit and ministered in the Name of Jesus.

I believe in the power of Jesus Christ to heal the sick and afflicted,a nd to break any bondage of satanic sort when His name is invoked in any circumstance. I believe His power is as consistently available today as it was during His own earthly ministry, and that through His cross He has provided the grounds for us to expect and receive healing and deliverance as surely as we may receive forgiveness and sanctification.

Because I believe this, I accept the ministry of healing as a part of the Lord Jesus Christ’s commission that the church go to the whole world with the gospel. I proclaim God’s will and power to heal; and in Jesus’ name, I instruct that the prayer of faith be offered, that confession of sins be made unto deliverance, that elders anoint with oil and that hands be laid on the sick that they may recover.

I believe the power of God’s Word and Spirit to sustain and supply health when believers walk simply and humbly before Him in faith. I believe the fruit of such faith will be manifest in love and patience, and so I correspondingly reject any system that begets lovelessness or induces guilt when a believer in Jesus does not seem to be able to receive physical healing or personal deliverance from sickness or any other torment.

Because I believe this, I withstand every evidence of pain, suffering, sickness, disease, bondage or torment, convinced that the good fight of faith will prevail unto health. I am equally convinced that in any case where victory is not evidenced, that a victory of another order is being realized by the divine grace of Almighty God.

With such faith as this, I move in the ministry of prayer, faith and healing, so that Jesus Christ is glorified and, in all circumstances, His church is edified.