The Real Secret to Church Growth Success

96% of all who receive the Holy Ghost come three to five times before they receive it.  You must get your visitors to return or you will have few receive the Holy Ghost!  Telephone them, send a letter, put them on a mailing list and send them invitations regularly.

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By Tim Massengale

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You can build a successful church!  The secret is not in programs or methods, but in the vision that burns in your heart and your refusal to give up when opposition and trials come your way.

The following powerful story is based on real life events and is meant to help you overcome your fears and succeed in whatever objectives you have in life.  And if your objective is to build a church, take this simple story by Dick Kazan to heart and refuse to quit.

Read The Story Together:  Overcoming Fear and Failure

“Oh God,” Benny cried out. “I’m ruined! My business can’t pay its bills and I’m broke. I borrowed against everything I own to start it and now I’ve got to close it. I’ll lose my home, my car and my self-respect. People already thought I was insane to risk so much and now they’ll laugh at me for being such a fool.”

With tears in his eyes, Benny locked his business’s plate glass front door behind him and stepped on to the sidewalk. Staring at his shoe tops, he hung his head and began walking down the busy street, unaware of all the traffic noise or of the people walking by him.

When his legs could carry him no further, he found himself in front of a small old Jewish Temple and wandered in to sit down and rest. As he sat on a brown folding chair, he buried his head in his hands and began to weep.

“What is the matter,” asked an 85ish silver haired man who witnessed this scene, and sat down next to him.

“I’m ruined,” Benny said, his tears trickling down his cheeks. “There’s no future for me,” he added as he told this man about his failed business.

“Let me tell you a story,” the older man replied. “And then we’ll see if you’re ruined.”

“In 1939, my family and I were living in a lovely home in Poland, when the Nazis invaded, their troops killing everyone who resisted them. Poland surrendered and in our city, the Nazis set-up a Jewish ghetto and ordered all the Jews into it.

“By the thousands Jews were packed tight into a few blocks, in a barbed wired prison, where they were hardly fed, many of them dropping dead from hunger or disease, while the Nazis planned to ship the survivors off to death camps.

“But my family was among the Jews who refused to go, and we hid in the basement of our home as some other families hid in their basements or attics. We all knew this couldn’t last for long and one day we heard the roar of engines and smelled diesel exhaust and as we heard orders being barked in German, we knew the storm troopers were coming for us.

My parents were ready and had sewn gold pieces into my clothing and that of my little 10 year old brother. As we heard the troopers yelling and kicking in doors, their attack dogs barking, people screaming and shots being fired, my father said with a quiver in his voice, ‘Quickly you must run! Go through the forest and join our family in Hungary. We’ll join you later.’ “

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