What Is Attitude?

What Is Attitude?
By Albert Friend

Attitude Is a Cashier’s Check

Attitude is a cashier’s check backed by the bank of heaven. If you received a cashier’s check from your bank you could go out of town to any city and walk into any bank and they would honor it. Why? It’s the nature of the check. It is backed by your bank and not your checking account. You bought it from your bank with cash. A cashier’s check automatically assures the person they can accept it as true and valid because your bank has the cash to pay them. Banks honor banks. No questions asked.

With your cashier’s check of attitude, bought and paid for by Jesus Christ, Heaven will honor your claim, no questions asked. The trouble is most people do not realize the value of attitude. Their bad attitude has blinded them. All they can see is the problem that caused it. They have not learned how their attitude works.

Let me help you with how attitude works. Our attitude is a product of our making. We can control our attitude. To do this effectively we must learn how to take hold on the unseen. That’s right. You can take a hold on your unseen spirit that determines your attitude. Let’s take a look at what we are working with.

Attitude has many sides to it.

Attitude is a place in life in which you live. It is independent of all else you do.

Attitude is determined by your knowledge. Your knowledge is your conscience. Your conscience should determine your attitude. You will then have good sense and sound judgment.

Attitude is not determined by your feelings. You can feel bad and still have a good attitude. Jesus said; “Not my will but thine be done.” Get in a right relationship with God. Become compatible with God. Surrender your will to His will.

Attitude is a place, a posture, a position, a stance, a perspective, a view, a relation.

Attitude is your mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values, and dispositions to act in certain ways.

For instance:
“He had the attitude that work was fun.”
“I don’t get a second chance so this failure is only an opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”
“I need to go beyond knowledge into wisdom.”

Base your attitude on your convictions

When a conviction runs deep courage rises to sustain it. Determine to think through your convictions clearly. Concentrate on what matters most to you. Then build your attitude around your convictions.

Hope sustains a good attitude. Hope is the rope anchored to your convictions. Hope is the rope anchored to the things you hope for. Hope is the evidence of things not yet seen. Hope anchors the soul in a way that is both sure and steadfast.

Basing your attitude on your convictions makes you rooted and grounded in the word of God. It leaves you with no other choice. You must wait on God with a willing, patient attitude. They that wait upon the Lord renew their strength.

An attitude change

Our attitude changes when something happens in life that we do not like. We become upset and irritated. We become irritated because we do not separate our attitude from our problem. But they are separate and should be treated as such.

Our unexpected problem is a genuine problem. We are a responsible person and will take care of the problem. BUT! The attitude we use to respond to our problem can make it easier. To maintain the right attitude we must separate and isolate the problem from our attitude.

To isolate the problem we must first accept the fact that we do have a problem. Next we must realize we can solve the problem. We may need help but we can and will do it. Then decide when it needs to be solved. If it’s now, then rearrange and do it in a responsible way. If it can wait, set it aside and don’t let it spoil your good attitude. Separate your attitude from your problem.

If you do not separate your attitude from your problem then your attitude will become your problem. Your wrong attitude will become an energy drain that hinders you from doing your best. Your wrong attitude will create a don’t want.

Ask the right questions

If you do not ask the right question you will not find the right answer to your problem. To get the right answer you must ask the right question. The question is: “What do I do to correct my attitude?”

Attitude is formed by the picture in your mind. What are you viewing? Show me a sad man and I will show you a man viewing sad thoughts. Show me a man with hope in God and I will show you a man viewing happy thoughts. There is no other way.

The answer to wrong viewing is to change your thoughts to hope. Inject hope into your problem. I hope in something bigger than you. Hope is in God. He is in a consistent, constant, unfailing covenant with you.

Hope is our answer

Without hope we are miserable. The thing we must realize is hope springs eternal. Hope is always present. Not only do we have hope in this life but we are going to live forever with God in Heaven.

Know your purpose in life

Knowing your purpose in life is a powerful attitude. Develop a mindset around your purpose in life. Develop that mindset to match your soul. You are a bigger person than you realize. The soul of man is bigger than the flesh of man. The soul of man can attain great things. One man with one mind, convicted positively, will get going and achieve his purpose in life.

Jesus spoke a parable about attitude

1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint

2 Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:

3 And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.

4 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;

5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me

6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

7 And shall not God (a just judge, my words) avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them

8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he Find faith on the earth? Luke 18:1-8

A judge, who was unjust, feared not God, did not regard man, SAID: “I will avenge her,” just to get rid of her.

Contrast that with God:
If an “unjust judge,” who could care less about a man or woman, decided to avenge her anyhow, how much more will a “just God,” who loves and cares about us, avenge us of our adversary? When He does, it will be quick. Hope in God.

The lesson to be learned here is this: if we will keep a good attitude of hope, God will do as He sees fit and reward our faith.

Excerpted from: “Attitude Of Hope: A Dwelling Place Designed by God Where All Is Well” By Albert Friend