You Gotta Have The Want-To

Allan C. Oggs, Sr.

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Hebrews 11:16

The great apostle wrote to the Jewish converts to explain to them what impressed God most about them. He went so far as to say that should someone call you His children; or if they say that He is their God, He would not be ashamed, He won’t blush, or be embarrassed. Paul went on to tell them why.

“There is something about your history that really impresses God. It is not altogether because of where you are now, that is not the ringer, nor is it necessarily the fact of where you came from. True, Abraham, a long time ago, started the journey, but what impresses God most is the fact that some of you have finally arrived. What really pleases Him is that if you were looking for reasons or an opportunity to go back, you could have undergone a bypass surgery early on and reacted to the negative opinion polls!

“The Lord noticed that there was something about you that kept your ‘motor running, kept your gears in motion.—Paul said, “That’s what He liked most of all! You had a desire for a better country. When you could have gone back, when

U-turns were advertised, when you could have tossed in the towel and quit, you didn’t. He noticed! Deep inside your chest was a rhythm that was never quiet.

“Because of that desire for a better country, God will not be ashamed. Not because of where you come from or where you have arrived, but the reason He is so pleased is because something inside of you said, ‘I’m gonna do it!’

“You almost make Him giggle with happiness, for sure you make Him smile, with that unique ambition and desire, a real want to. ‘YOU GOTTA HAVE THE WANT-TO.”

I am sure that as you have lived and hung around the neighborhood of life, you have noticed some people that seemed like they had it all together. It was obvious; they were attractive, talented, and had great natural ability. Yes, if anybody was gonna be a winner they would be the ones to get the trophies. They would be the ones with their chest sagging under the load of commendations.

Perhaps the glare of their futures caused you to feel a bit intimidated, pushing you deep into your grasshopperish hideaway. They had it all! Then over a few years and a few celebrations it began to dawn on you, a lot of trophies, commendations medals, and a great deal of applause had taken place and the obvious one was not receiving the reward. You know, the fellow that made you feel like there was not any use to try!

Time proved that although they had the talent and the ability, they had the influence and the background basics, still they never were decorated as an outstanding achiever. Probably the reason why, was they had all that put together, but what they lacked, what they need most of all . . .

They simply lacked the want-to!



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