Your Pastor’s Life and Ministry

Your Pastor’s Life and Ministry
By: Joseph Carpenter

Yes, he answered the call of God and came with a burden to do the work of the ministry. He knew that sacrifice and denial of self would always be present. But, his efforts may be futile without your help. Your church deserves to have the best pastor in town. You’d be surprised at how much you can do to make him the pastor of your dreams. Here are a few things you can do to enhance his life and ministry.

SPEAK WELL OF YOUR PASTOR There will always be someone else to find fault. Make it your commitment to say positive and uplifting things about your pastor. He deserves the support.

ACCEPT YOUR PASTOR’S VISION AS YOUR OWN Only when you take ownership of the aspirations and dreams that he has for your church will the task be possible. He cannot do it by himself.

REMEMBER YOUR PASTOR ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS You are his family. It may be impossible for him to reciprocate, but you can make his birthdays and anniversaries special. You are celebrating something that is very much a part of your life, too.

TITHE FAITHFULLY AND SEE THAT YOUR PASTOR IS PAID WELL The laborer is worthy of his hire. When you pay him well, it sends a message to him that is much more than dollars and cents. Set your pastor free to minister.

LET YOUR PASTOR BE HUMAN Too often, his oversights and failures are the subject of the members’ conversation. He may be overweight. He may hate to mow the grass. He may forget to return a phone call. Remember he’s human, just like you.

RESPECT YOUR PASTOR’S FAMILY TIME Every pastor needs undisturbed time with his family, just as you do with yours. They understand that he must respond to emergencies. But he needs to spend quality time with his kids. Every pastor wants most of all for his family to be saved. Don’t ask him to sacrifice the souls of his wife and children.

HELP YOUR PASTOR ASSEMBLE A PERSONAL LIBRARY Buy him the latest books. See that he gets current news material. Ask
him to give you a list of books to purchase for gifts to help build his collection. These items are expensive and many pastors can’t afford to make the purchases.

HELP YOUR PASTOR ATTEND GENERAL CONFERENCE, DISTRICT CONFERENCE AND OTHER MEETINGS His elders expect to see him there. He needs to add his voice to the business of the organization. Most of all, he needs the fellowship and
shared ministry of his peers. See that he has finances to travel to these events.

INSIST THAT YOUR PASTOR TAKE TIME OFF The pressures of pastoral burnout are relentless. Every pastor needs vacation time and days off to take the physical, emotional and spiritual strain off his system. Your pastor will do much better if he has regular intervals in which to refresh himself.

GIVE YOUR PASTOR TIME TO STUDY Sermon and Bible Study preparation takes time. Inspiration comes best at regular time set aside to pray and study without interruption. Don’t require the pastor to spend all his time socializing and chaperoning church events.

PRAY FOR YOUR PASTOR The collective prayer of church members will anoint their pastor’s ministry in the pulpit and community. Take him to God every day in prayer.

Just a few ways you can enhance the ministry of the one most responsible for your spiritual success. A little effort goes a long
way. Take care of your pastor in the good times, and he’ll be there for you when things are tough.