Direct Mail Letters #1



1. Death of a spouse 100

2. Divorce 73

3. Marital separation from mate 65

4. Detention in jail or other institution 63

5. Death of a close family member 63

6. Major personal injury or illness 53

7. Marriage 50

8. Being fired at work 47

9. Marital reconciliation with mate 45

10. Retirement from work 45

11. Major change in the health or behavior of family member 44

12. Pregnancy 40

13. Sexual difficulties 39

14. Gaining a new family member (e.g.,through birth, adoption, oldster moving in, marriage, etc.) 39

15. Major business readjustment (e.g., merger, reorganization, bankruptcy, etc.) 39

16. Major change in financial state (e.g., a lot worse off or a lot better off than usual) ‘ 38

17. Death of a close friend 37

18. Changing to a different line of work 36

19. Major change in the number of arguments with spouse (e.g., either a lot more or a lot less than usual regarding child rearing, personal habits, etc.) 35

20. Taking on a mortgage greater than $10,000 (e.g. purchasing a home, business, etc.) 31

21. Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan 30

22. Major change in responsibilities at work (e.g. promotion, demotion, lateral transfer) 29

23. Son or daughter leaving home (e.g, marriage, college) 29

24. In law troubles 29

25. Outstanding personal achievement 28

26. Wife beginning or ceasing work outside the home 26

27. Beginning or ceasing formal schooling 26

28. Major change in living conditions (e.g. building new home, remodeling, deterioration of home or neighborhood) 25

29. Revision of personal habits (dress, manners, etc.) 24

30. Troubles with the boss 23

31. Major change in working hours or conditions 20

32. Change in residence 20

33. Changing to a new school 20

34. Major change in usual type and/or amount of recreation 19

35. Major change in church activities (e.g. lot more or less than usual) 19

36. Major change in social activities (e.g. clubs, movies, dances) l8

37. Taking on a mortgage or loan less than $10,000 (car, TV) 17

38. Major change in sleeping habits (e.g. a lot more or less than usual, or change in part of day when sleep) 1639. Major change in number of family get-togethers (more or less) 15

40. Major change in eating habits (more or less, or different) 15

41. Vacation 13

42. Christmas 12

43. Minor violations of the law (e.g. traffic tickets, jay- walking, disturbing the peace, etc.) 11





Dear John,

Men, women, and young people everywhere are saying, “I don’t know what to believe about God in these troubled times.”

Some are saying, “It’s hard for me to believe amidst the pressures and tensions of modern-day living.”

Others say, “I know what I believe, but I can’t put it into words.”

Nearly everyone is asking, “Where did I come from? For what purpose am I here? What will be the outcome of my life?”

Because of the broad interest in these questions, I searched for and found, in the enclosed booklet, what I believe to be the clearest, most practical explanation available. This booklet was written by a man I highly respect, who once wrestled with these questions and found meaningful answers.

Since we have dedicated ourselves to helping others find these answers, I’m sharing the attached booklet with you. I’m sure that you will find it interesting. It has made good sense to many people. Please take time to read it. When you have finished, if you have questions or would like further information, I would be glad to have you telephone me at (number).

If you are new in this area, or are without a regular church, let me also give you a warm, personal invitation to attend church with me this Sunday. Our church has services which you will find instructive and inspiring for everyone in the family…from nursery age to the “Jolly Sixties”.


P.S. Since I live close by, perhaps I can stop in sometime and get better acquainted. My interest is genuine and my motive that of a real friend.




Dear John,

Men, women, and young people everywhere are saying, “I don’t know what to believe about God in these troubled times.”

Some are saying, “It’s hard for me to believe amidst the pressures and tensions of modern-day living.”

Others say, “I know what I believe, but I can’t put it into words.”

Nearly everyone is asking, “Where did I come from? For what purpose am I here? What will be the outcome of my life?”

I wrestled many years with these questions, but then found the true answer. Since I have dedicated myself to helping others find these answers, I am sharing the enclosed booklet with you.

I’m sure that you will find it interesting. It has made good sense to many people. Please take time to read it. When you have finished, if you have questions or would like further information, I would be glad to have you telephone me at (phone number).

If you are new in this area, or are without a regular church, let me also give you a warm, personal invitation to attend church with us this Sunday. Our church has a unique unified service where the children and teens attend Sunday School while the Adults attend the worship service. You will find the services instructive and inspiring for everyone in the family. The service begins at 10:00 a.m.



Enclosed is special questionnaire card. I would like to send you a special gift in appreciation for your taking just a couple of minutes to fill it out and return it to me. Thank you.





Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby. On behalf of myself and the entire congregation of (church name), I want to wish God’s blessings upon you and your baby.

How exciting these days must be for you. But along with the excitement, I know you are feeling the responsibility of being a parent. I have prayed for you and your baby. May God give you wisdom in training your child…may your baby have a healthy body, strength of character, a good mind, and spiritual growth.

As a tool to help you with this important training, I would like to send your child a Children’s New Testament. Please accept this as my personal gift for your baby. Just return the enclosed card-to me, and I will gladly see that you get it.

Again, may I say congratulations and if I can be of any service to you please contact me at (church name), 687-5324 or at my home, 687-4128.



P.S. If you do not have a church home, I would count it a privilege if you would visit us soon. We have a modern nursery with a trained staff to care for your baby’s needs,





Dear Mr. and Mrs.

Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby. How exciting these days must be for you. I would
like you to know I prayed for you and your new baby; that God would give you wisdom in raising
your child…that your baby will have a healthy body, strength of character, a good mind, and spiritual growth.

I have set aside for your child a lovely CHILDREN’S NEW TESTAMENT. Please accept this as my personal gift to your baby. Just return the enclosed card to me, and I will see that you receive it right away.

Along with the excitement of your baby’s birth, I know you are feeling the responsibility of being a parent. I too have felt that pressure and searched for and found a book that will help you meet your responsibility, it is called “CHILDREN, FUN OR FRENZY”. Please let me send you this book. Just mark the space on the reply card. (Be sure to mail the card today!)

Again, may I say congratulations. I am sure you are considering having your baby dedicated and I would like to give you my personal attention in this matter, please contact me at the church 824-0648 or at home 847-8821.





Dear Mr. Lewis,

I noticed on the Chaplaincy list that you were admitted to the hospital just recently. I’m taking just a moment to write you, because…God hasn’t forgotten you…He cares about you…He cares about
your burdens and your health.

You may be asking, “Pastor, how do you know God cares about my problems and about my health?”

Well, I know He cares about your problems because the Bible says, “Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:” (Isaiah 53:4)…and I have learned how to accept His help with my problems.
…and I know God cares about your health because the Bible gives Him the name “The Great Physician”…and tells often of His help given to everyone who asks.

I care too. I, or one of my staff, calls in the hospital often. We’d be glad to call on you…pray with you, read
to you from God’s Word, answer any questions you might have. If you’d like me to visit you, just phone my secretary at (phone number) and she will get the message to me right away.

Please forgive the brevity of this note…

Because God cared for me,

P.S. I’m enclosing an interesting booklet entitled, “Life’s Greatest Discovery”, which I believe contains the answers to many of life’s important questions. I trust it will be a blessing to you.






Welcome! Whether you’ve moved across town, or across country, a warm welcome and may you have much happiness in your new home.

As you get involved in our community, I’m sure your family plans will include regular church attendance so… On behalf of our entire church membership, let me be the first to invite you to visit (church name). We’re genuinely concerned about you and your family.

Here at (church name) we have an active youth program, a world-wide missionary program, a graded Sunday School, a special department for special groups (deaf, blind, etc.), and a bus ministry that provides transportation for both youth and adults. Even our retirees enjoy many activities and opportunities for

(Church Name here) is also the home of (Church School Name) with grades (list grades available here).

These are but some of the ways we try to say, “We care about you and your whole family”.

Mr. and Mrs. (name), our people and I would be delighted to have you as our guests this Sunday. (At this point insert any note of a unique happening at your church of special appeal–like unified service, etc…. EXAMPLE: “We have an unique unified service on Sunday morning.,. you may bring your children for
Bible training and attend our adult worship service at (time) or the evening service at (time).

Again, may I wish God’s richest blessings on you and your family… WELCOME NEIGHBOR!



P.S. If you have any additional questions about our church, drop the enclosed card in the mail or
call me at (church name) phone ( ) or at my home ( )”



Inside Address

Dear (Name Drop)

How very sorry I am to hear of the loss of your dear (father, mother, etc.). I too can remember the sting of death as I said good-bye to the one I loved so dearly. Yet what can I say to you? There are no words sufficient to meet your emptiness at this present time. But I can tell you God does have a purpose in it.
He tells us in His Word that “His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are different from our ways”. (Isaiah 55:8)

He tells us over and over again that He loves us… cares about us…wants to share in our lives…even the sadness with Him.

You know, (name drop), it meant something to me at my time of grief to know someone cared and wanted to help. I hope in this short note you will know I also care for you and want to help in any way I can.

Please feel free to call if there’s anything I can do. You can reach me at home anytime at (phone number).



P.S. Remember, I do want to share this time of sorrow with you. God wants the very best for your life
in and through this situation and I would count it a personal joy to be able to share with you what
God has to say in His Holy Word.



Inside address

Dear Mr. and Mrs.

Congratulations on your recent wedding, and on behalf of myself and the entire congregation (church name) of (city name) we want to wish God’s blessings upon you in this new venture.

There is nothing as sacred as the marriage vows. God Himself is the Author and Founder of the home, and I’m sure that you will include Him in your home.

I know this new responsibility his made you realize your need of having a Christian home. I would like to send you the book, “Seven Rules for a Happy Christian Home”, which has helped many newlyweds to build a stable and loving Christian Home. Please accept this book as my personal wedding gift to you. Just return
the enclosed card to me, and I’II gladly mail it to you.

Again, may I say congratulations, and if I can be of any service to you, please contact me.



P.S. If you do not have a church home, I would count it  a privilege if you would visit us soon.





Dear Mr. and Mrs.

Congratulations on your recent marriage. I wish I could have personally shared that happy moment with you, but I just heard about it and when I did I asked God to bless you and your new home.

Like most newlyweds I know your greatest desire is to have a continuously happy home. I would like to give you the book “HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED”, by Tim LaHaye. This book has helped many couples find real happiness in their marriage.

Please accept “HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED” as my personal wedding gift to you. Just complete and return the enclosed card to me, and I will see that you receive it right away. (Be sure to mail the card today!)




P.S. Every marriage will face problems…if in the future any should arise in your home, please give me the privilege of trying to help you.