Duties for Ushers

Tim Massengale

The usher is there to assist those who come to God’s house to worship.

I. The good usher thinks of his role as usher before leaving home.

A. Good grooming is vital.

1. Neat and conservative appearance.
2. Coat and tie.
3. Be careful concerning bad breath or body odor.

II. He should arrive 45 minutes before regular service time.

A. His first duty is to pause for a few minutes of prayer to prepare himself to minister in God’s house.

B. He should check the following:

1. Lights
2. Stools
3. Hand towels and tissue paper
4. The general condition of building for cleanliness
5. Entry ways
6. In general, he should know that all is prepared when the first worshipper arrives.
7. Air conditioning – heating

III. Meeting the worshippers

A. Everyone who comes should be welcomed. You are there to assist our own church family as well as the guest.

B. When young people congregate and block the foyer and aisles, kindly ask them to be seated in the church so that guests will not be distracted.

C. Hostess will give a visitor’s card to each guest and ask that it be filled out. When all the guests have had time to fill them out, collect them and bring to hostess.

IV. Seating the worshippers

A. Our own church family will generally seat themselves unless they arrive late and the building is crowded.

B. All guests should be ushered to a seat. If they indicate a preference as to where they wish to sit, accommodate their desire. Otherwise, seat them where they will get the most out of the service.
Ushers should be certain of available seats and then usher the guests to the seats.

1. Do not seat a guest close to those with babies who are apt to cry and disturb.

2. Do not seat a guest in an area that is apt to have a lot of traffic in and out,

C. The usher who greets the guest should also be the one who seats him.

V. Watching for problems that may distract worshippers.

A. The intrusion of troubled persons.

1. If one appears to be acting under the influence of alcohol, do not allow him to invade and distract the service.

2. If he gets by you, he should be immediately approached and gently led out of the view and hearing of congregation so as to distract as little as possible.

B. Children or Young People who are distracting before, during and after service.

1. Very quietly and in obviously go to them and ask that they be quiet and not talk.

2. If they are in the foyer, ask them to be seated in the auditorium.

3. Be courteous. Be kind and gentle but also firm.

VI. Explanation of duties and responsibilities

A. Senior Usher and his assistant will fulfill terms of Item I for a period of 1 month of this 4 month period.

B. Alternate, or assistant, will be under direction of Senior Usher and should work closely concerning absences. Alternate means in place of or to switch places. Senior Usher or alternate on back seat only when
responsible for Item I.

C. All members of Usher Staff should be active at all times meeting visitors before and after service.

D. Wives who sit on back pews should sit to center of pew so 2 ushers can be seated on last pews next to aisle and be able to be in aisle promptly when called.

E. Seating of visitors

1. Item I ushers should be in foyer 15 minutes (see Item II) before prayer schedule and 15 minutes after service starts to be available to visitors and have vacant seats located if service is crowded. Ushers should move just inside the auditorium as soon as hostess arrives.

F. Item I Explanation

1. Two men are assigned to this responsibility each month. This responsibility consists of following:

a. These two men should be present in or near foyer 15 minutes before prayer service begins, greeting people, trying to keep foyer from being overcrowded, maintaining order in foyer, porch, auditorium, halls, and restrooms. See that offering plates are in place.

G. Absence of ushers responsible for Item I.

1. Any duty usher should assume duties of Item I ushers during their absence.

VII. Sunday A.M.

A. Check and set clock, and be in foyer before Sunday School starts. Soon as offering is received, one usher remain in foyer until 10:30 to receive latecomers, see that they have literature, etc. At 11:00 bring head count and cards and offering to Sunday School office. Doors to foyer should be opened, when classes leave and closed soon after so that ushers may speak with visitors without disturbing congregation.

B. Evening Service

1. Rear entrance lights and parking lot lights turned on.

2. Rear doors locked 15 minutes after service starts and halls, restrooms and nursery checked at this time.

3. Parking areas and halls should be monitored during service. Any suspicious cars moving through or leaving lots should have tags recorded. Item I ushers should alternate on monitors.

4. During service 1 usher is responsible to Item I and should be seated on rear pew in reserved space near aisle. Other ushers may be seated elsewhere, except when needed during crowded and special services.

5. Be responsible for thermostat setting, or in the event that one of Item I ushers is absent, delegate that responsibility to another duty usher. Be certain that someone is responsible for thermostat setting!

a. Air conditioning – Building should be cooler than normal in anticipation of crowd that arrives suddenly. Setting of 64 should be sufficient to keep compressors running. This could be raised to 68 thirty minutes later and prior to sermon when congregation activity wanes. Setting should be such that units begin cycling at setting 67 – 70. Thermostat setting should only be made at 1 degree at a time.

b. Heating – Building should be on cool side before service – Setting of 65 is comfortable level prior to sermon. Thermostat settings should be made in 1 degree intervals to 66 – 67 depending on outside
temperature. Extreme cold – maybe 69.

6. Usher Room

A. Locker will contain flashlights, radio, etc., to be used at your discretion.

7. Telephones

A. Calls received during service should be handled in least disturbing manner. No one should be called out during service except in emergencies. Example: Ask caller if call can be returned after service. Above all, do not offend caller.

8. One usher be responsible for balcony when in use.

(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is unknown.)

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