Sidney R. Leggs

22 Basic Rules to Establish Good Relationships

1. Never belittle a director

2. Never criticize in front of others

3. Never fail to give undivided attention to directors

4. Never seem to be preoccupied with own interest

5. Never play favorites

6. Never fail to help people grow: encourage

7. Never be insensitive to small things

8. Never embarrass people

9. Never facilitate in making decisions

10. Do be consistent in standards

11. Do be aware of bias and prejudice

12. Do let your followers know how they stand

13. Do give praise when appropriate

14. Do keep people informed of changes that effect them

15. Do care about your directors

16. Do see people as ends not means

17. Do build independence into your people

18. Do exhibit personal diligence

19. Do be willing to learn from others

20. Do demonstrate confidence in your own abilities and abilities of your Brothers and Sisters

21. Delegate, delegate, and delegate again

22. Encourage ingenuity

(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is unknown.)


1. Definite and clear-cut responsibilities should be assigned to each executive.

2. Responsibility should always be coupled with corresponding authority.

3. No change should be made in the scope or responsibilities of a position without a definite understanding to that effect on the part of all persons concerned.

4. No executive or employee occupying a single position in the organization should be subject to definite orders from more than one source.

5. Orders should never be given to subordinates over the head of a responsible executive. Rather than do this, management should supplant the officer in question.

6. Criticisms of subordinates should, whenever possible, be made privately; and in no case should a subordinate be criticized in the presence of executives or employees of equal or lowerrank.

7. No dispute or difference between executives or employees as to authorities or responsibilities should be considered too trivial for prompt and careful adjudication.

8. Promotions, wage changes and disciplinary action should always be approved by the executive immediately superior to the one directly responsible.

9. No executive or employee should ever be required, or expected, to be at the same time an assistant to, and critic of, another.

10. Any executive whose work is subject to regular inspection should, whenever practical, be given the assistance and facilities necessary to enable him to maintain an independent check on that work.

(The above material was taken from: The American Management Association)

What are the characteristics of the consistently exceptional executive?

1. Builds competent, autonomous people of high self-esteem. Sets superb example. Has permanent training program for himself and everyone in his group.

2. Is a focused action oriented visionary. Is concerned with how to impact the future. Vision without action is hallucination. Action without vision is random activity. Realizes that quality and passion of vision more vital than training and experience. Evokes commitment.

3. Causes people to cooperate and compete simultaneously. Earns others trust and trusts others-requires people to disagree. Makes decisions for others only as last resort.

4. Is well informed and communicates his or her value and values to all who have m impact on his or her future. Is an excellent listener. Respects others viewpoints and feelings. Uses positive precise feedback, seldom criticizes.

5. Is decisive, clear and upfront. Is willing to risk being disliked and/or misunderstood whenever necessary. Knows only power in decision making is to change one that was wrong.

6. Has confidence in others as well as in herself. Confidence through competence and commitment. Has an evolved ego. Has earned the right to expect high levels of performance.

7. Creates a sense of continuity. reduces the episodic phenomena of rapidly changing work.

8. Responsible to, not for people. Does not take responsibility for people. When unable to cause a person to succeed, releases them from group.

9. Is a lifelong student Continuously involved in expanding her knowledge and skill level.

10. Is an intelligent risk taker-practices zero based thinking. Knows how to think, not just what to think Is vulnerable and open to change. Has humble disrespect for status quo. Avoids the disease of having to be right. Is willing to change a decision. Excels in crises-breakdown later when convenient.

(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is unknown.)


Ever wonder who authored those familiar motivational mottos you grew up with? Ever wish you could be as creative as those who did?


But first read this column and discover how effective those trite admonitions can be to the Christian who is following the Lord. In your Bible reading in the days ahead, check them out to see if they’re scriptural.

THINK/PLAN–Recall how many times you’ve said, “Why didn’t I think of that?” You didn’t think of it because you didn’t think! Ease yourself into the process of thinking by devising 17 questions to ask yourself. Give an honest and concise answer to each question.

Now ask yourself 17 more questions, and you may begin to get a feel for what THINK means.

To PLAN, sort out your think questions and answers to discover who you are, what you’re doing right (and wrong), where you are headed, and what you want to be in one year and in five years.

DO IT NOW/DO ONE THING AT A TIME–Follow up on your plans diligently and efficiently. This is a concise commentary on the mottos, but far less inspirational and memorable than DO IT NOW/DO ONE THING AT A TIME.

COMMUNICATE/RELATE–What you don’t have when you’re not communicating or relating: support, resources, cooperation, satisfaction. Think about it. How far can you get without the willing help of others?

(Oh, by the way, you’ve probably noticed that each section has a double heading. That’s because TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE.)

NEVER GIVE UP/NEVER TOO LATE–Repeatedly trying and failing can diminish hope and bring on a “What’s the use/it’s too late” attitude. You don’t have to be downhearted. The Lord is majestically present every time you stumble, not to embarrass you but to hold you up.

“If the Lord delights in a man’s way, He makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand” (Ps. 37:23-24).

Forgive yourself. Laugh heartily. Take some more steps. You’re walking with the Lord, remember.

If you will utilize these brief admonitions, they can help bring about some amazing changes in your life. But it will happen only if you determine, with the Lord’s enablement, to get off dead center and BEGIN TO WIN!

(The above material appeared in the Power For Living Magazine.)

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