First and Second Time Visitor Sample Letters


The following letters were created for visitors on their first visit and again for the second time they visited.


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Dear ,

It was so thrilling to have you with us in service at Calvary Tabernacle. Your presence is very important to us and we want you to
feel more than welcome – we want you to be a part of one of the greatest churches there is anywhere!

Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Simply stated; you will never be happy and truly at peace with yourself with just food, fun, and materialism. There has to be somewhere that you can be fed the pure Word of God. That is where Calvary Tabernacle comes in! We will see to it that you get “soul food.” Preaching and teaching thrills the soul and gives “life more abundantly.”

Enclosed with this letter is an invitation for you to receive a free Home Bible Study that is taught in the privacy of your own home with no obligation for you to become a member of this church. It will give you an enjoyable, comprehensive way to understand the scripture from Genesis to Revelation. You can respond to this by simply filling out the information and dropping it in your mailbox as it is pre-addressed and postage paid.

Remember, “you’re only a stranger once,” at Calvary. The more you come, the more you will enjoy the refreshing presence of the Lord that is here.

Come back and see us soon – let’s grow together.

Because we care,

Pastor James N. Larson


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Dear ,

We are so glad that you have come again to Calvary Tabernacle. It is because of you that we want to be the friendliest church in
Indianapolis. We want to be a blessing to you and minister to your needs.

Most of all we pray that the Lord will minister to you in the power of the Holy Ghost. Isaiah wrote, “This is the rest whereby ye may cause the weary to rest: and this is the refreshing.” The world we live in is full of stress, difficult situations and pressures that many times are difficult to handle. It is wonderful to know that in the midst of our difficulties in life, that there is rest and refreshing to be found in His presence.

Positive faith in God brings positive results in our lives.

Sincerely in Christ,

Bro. John L. Johnson
Associate Pastor

(The above material is from Calvary Tabernacle, Indianapolis, IN.)

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