Job Description for Church Trustee

Job Description for Church Trustee

Job Purpose

To serve as Church Trustee, a position appointed by the pastor. Your duties will be include assisting in legal matters as defined by our articles of incorporation. You will be asked to assist the pastor in making decisions that affect legal matters of the church (ie: large major purchases such as property, etc.). You will occasionally be asked to vote upon certain actions necessary to the well being of the church. You will also work with the pastor in general church maintenance and upkeep of the church facility. In doing this, you will be performing a needed service to the Body of Christ.

Job Qualifications

1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost.
2. Must meet the qualifications for church membership.
3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.
4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.
5. Must carry a burden for souls of men and women.
6. Must be faithful in church attendance and tithing
7. Must share the pastor’s vision for the church and it’s growth.
8. Must be faithful and dependable in accomplishing duties of the position.

Job Duties

* Shall meet with the pastor and other trustees as requested. Trustee meetings are to be called only by the pastor and the pastor must be present at all meetings.

* Shall prayerfully consider all matters presented for consideration of the trustee board. You are a servant of the church; an ordained lay officer in the Church.

* Shall work in harmony with the Pastor, Associate Pastor, Elders and other trustees.

* Shall conduct yourself as both a Christian and a church leader. Therefore it is imperative that you lead an exemplary life and character.

* Shall pray for and carry a godly concern for the welfare of the church.

* Shall assist the pastor with insuring that the physical oversight of the Church building and property is well maintained.

* Shall assist the pastor to see that custodial duties are performed by church volunteers.

* Shall work with the Pastor, Assoc. Pastor, and Elders in making up the Leadership Council of the local Church.

Other Duties

** Shall be an example to the church in soulwinning by being continually involved in the Home Bible Study Ministry, or some other form of outreach ministry.

** Shall be an example to the church in faithfulness by attending all church services and functions.

** Shall be an example to the church in spiritual growth by coming at least one-half hour before each service to pray.

** Shall perform additional duties as required.

Organizational Relationships

The position of Church Trustee is responsible directly to the Pastor. Each year, the Pastor and trustee board will review this Job Description, update and improve to make more applicable to the position. Evaluation of performance of this position shall be performed by the Pastor on an annual basis. The term of this office shall be for one year unless reappointed by the Pastor.

Training And Development

** Read “Let My People Grow” by Tim Massengale (Revival Research)

** Read additional book(s) provided by Pastor

Job Goals For the Year Of ______

** Shall work with the pastor to evaluate expansion of the church fellowship hall.

** Shall work with the pastor to locate property for future expansion.

** Shall work with the pastor to renovate the church dorm at the District camp grounds.