One Year Plan Church Growth Secretary

One Year Plan Church Growth Secretary
Cindy Ford-For The Year Of 1992

Quality Improvement Goals

1 Evaluate and implement an effective filing system for Secretarial duties.

a Design an assignment log on the computer to keep up with assignments and paper flow. 03-04-92

b Create a master file for:

1 Job Description
2 Assistants Job Description
3 Master of Monthly Reports
4 Master of Weekly Reports 04-01-92

c Clear out file cabinet and box up old files.

1 Establish record keeping retention guidelines. (Pastoral Approved) 04-01-92

d Tentative date changes in red until approved. 03-04-92

e Store all Church Growth information on diskette. 04-01-92

f Set up a file cabinet in the computer room for all church growth materials. 03-04-92

g Use two stackable trays in Bro Black’s office for incoming and outgoing memos. 03-04-92

h Install wall mount file holders for all office doors. 04-01-92

i Implement a computer schedule. 04-15-92

j Organize volunteer help to answer the telephones and help in the offices. 04-29-92

k Rework mail slots.

1 Research availability
a Need slots for the following:
M/A requests, TCG Sec., Outreach, Pastor, Pastor’s wife, and the Church Secretary.

2 Implement and complete
a Use labels that show 04-01-92

2 Monthly Planning Council dates:
01-11, 02-08, 03-07, 04-11, 05-02, 06-06, 07-11, 08-01, 08-29, 10-03

3 Monthly updates to the Pastor’s “Remarkable” calendar:
02-08, 03-07, 04-11, 05-02, 06-06, 07-11, 08-01, 08-29, 10-03

4 Scheduled dates for monthly reviews for the MPC/Agenda:
02-06, 03-03, 04-07, 04-28, 06-02, 07-07, 07-28, 08-25, 09-29

5 Submit prospective assistants names for approval.

a Develop an assistant’s Job Description.

b Interview assistant.

c Complete assistant’s training.
1 Story
2 Tape
3 Note Outline
4 TCG Binder Information 03-18-92

Annual Activities

1 Annual Planning Retreat 11-20-92

a Department Binder contents completed. 11-06-92
b Department Binder assembly completed. 11-13-92
c Retreat Agenda submitted for approval. 10-20-92
d Retreat Agenda finalized. 10-27-92

2 Interdepartmental Job Descriptions-Updates Due

a Interdepartmental Job Description-Pastor’s Approval 09-09-92

3 Director’s Job Descriptions-Updates Due

a Director’s Job Descriptions-Changes and Pastor’s Approval Due 09-30-07

4 Staff Evaluations 11-07-92

a Staff evaluation forms revised by the Pastor 08-29-92

b Staff evaluation forms copied and handed out with Memo and Revised JD and revised monthly report. 10-14-92

c Staff evaluation scheduling completed. 10-27-92

d Staff evaluation preparations complete. (Pastor’s evaluation forms complete.)

1 One Year Plans reviewed. Goals not reached highlighted for staff evaluation. 10-27-92

5 One Year Plans

a Semi-annual one year plans/revisions due. 05-27-92
b Semi-annual one year plans approved. 06-09-92
c Annual one year plans due. 10-21-92
d Annual one year plans approved. 11-10-92

6 Annual A.C.T.S. (Inreach) Commitment Service. 10-28-92

a Data Input of commitments. 11-04-92
b Print out commitment lists and give to leaders. 11-04-92
c Follow-up letters sent with commitment form to those who did not hand in a form. 11-11-92
d Follow-up letter customized. 11-04-92

Outline “One Year Plan Church Growth Secretary Cindy Ford-For The Year Of 1992” written by an Unknown Author is taken from an Unknown Source.

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”