Job Description – Temporary Assistant
Bro. Phillip W. Swallows
United Pentecostal Indian Church 1991-92

Job Purpose

To receive training and experience in church work by assisting the Pastor with assigned duties in a way that will lighten the load that the Pastor carries and that will edify the church family. You major focus shall be placed upon winning souls, spiritual warfare through prayer, helping in church services, physical labor, and other areas of help as needed. In focusing upon these, you will assist in accomplishing the main task of your assisting role, this being to minister or serve the Pastor and the church under the Pastor’s direction.


Job Qualifications

1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost and Baptized in Jesus Name.
2. Must maintain an appropriate standard of Holiness within and without.
3. Must be loyal to the Pastor in word, deed, and attitude.
4. Must be willing to work in harmony with others.
5. Must be a lover of souls of men and women.
6. Must be faithful and dependable in accomplishing duties.
7. Must maintain a time of Prayer and Study.
8. Must provide own income and means of living including transportation, expenses, phone call payments, food accommodations, personal expenses, etc. Any exceptions to these will be discussed in advance of your arrival and decided upon.


Job Responsibilities

* Shall serve and carry out all responsibilities with thankfulness, diligence, tact and love.

* Shall meet with the Pastor at the beginning of each week to go over that week’s “Things to Do” list that the Pastor has developed.

Note: At this time a schedule will be determined for your personal prayer, and study times for that week including your day off and any preaching times.

* Shall assist with preaching and platform ministry (leading service, songs, testimonies, prayer requests, announcements, etc.) as directed by the Pastor. The Pastor will endeavor to give ample advance notice of these involvements to allow for proper preparations.

* Shall assist with Ushering/Hosting duties as needed.

* Shall assist with Altar Work, praying with sinners and saints during altar services or otherwise if needed.

* Shall be trained to help with 1st Night Counseling needs for new converts.

* Shall assist in teaching Home Bible Studies as possible to sinners and/or new converts.

* Shall gain experience with Visitor Follow-up, assisting with visitation assignment as possible (after you are trained).

* Shall assist with other Outreach endeavors such as:

a. Passing out tracks or fliers.

b. Tent Revival or Parking lot services.

c. Involvement in the C.C.C. ministry

d. Others as possible.

* Shall teach the Youth Sunday School Class beginning ________________ and ending ________________________ .

a. Attend S.S. Staff meetings including Sunday Morning Prayer/Staff meetings at 9:30.

* Shall oversee and supervise the Tape Ministry which is under the umbrella of Men’s Ministries.

a. Shall train approved Tape Ministry staff to carry out the following responsibilities before and after you leave.


Tape Ministry Duties

* Shall oversee and supervise all operations of the Tape Ministry under the direction of the Pastor. Shall seek to implement all give duties with tact zeal, and love.

* Shall assist Pastor in selecting a tape ministry director and personnel to work with you in this ministry.

* Shall ensure that each service and adult Bible class is taped and a master is kept. Care should be taken not to lose or loan out the master tape for any reason.

* Shall promote and maintain the “Tape of the Month” club

a. Shall charge $30.00 per year for one tape per month (12).

b. Shall allow club member to choose their own tape or take the club selection.

c. Shall provide a 10% discount to all club members on additional tapes.

d. All club members shall be kept in a card file to verify membership.

* Shall duplicate and provide tapes upon request of members and visitors, processing all orders in a speedy and efficient manner.

* Shall publish a tape catalog (to be updated yearly) of all tapes and tape sets available to encourage ordering.

* If requested, shall provide a free tape to all special speakers following the service. Ask speaker if they wish to have one.

* Shall keep a lookout for special tape sets or series (prayer, soulwinning, doctrine, etc.) to make available in catalog.

* Shall provide tapes for the “Sick and Shut-in” ministry on a loan type basis.

* Shall keep tap ministry equipment serviced and in good repair.

* Shall order and stock tapes, tape files, labels, and other supplies needed to fulfill this ministry.

* Shall assist with the Van Ministry as possible and perform a maintenance check before driving.

* Shall assist the Pastor with physical and strenuous labor in order to help maintain the Pastor’s health needs.

* Shall assist the Pastor in praying for the sick, thus – at times freeing the Pastor to do other important duties.

* Shall assist if needed with opening/closing of church facilities for service, prayer meetings, or other functions, ensuring A.C., sound, lock/unlocking, fresh water on pulpit, etc. is properly regulated.


Other Duties

* Shall endeavor to not schedule any departmental activities on Thursday night. Thursday night will be known as “Family Night” and all church members are encouraged to spend quality time with their families on this night.

* Shall be an example to the church in soulwinning by being continually involved in the Home Bible Study Ministry, or some other form of outreach ministry.

* Shall be an example to the church in spiritual growth by coming at least one-half four before each service to pray.

* Shall be an example to the church in faithfulness by attending all church services and functions.

* Shall attend all Annual Planning Retreats, Monthly Departmental Planning Councils and regular Weekly Tag-in’s.

* If unable to attend because of an emergency, shall inform the Pastor in advance and endeavor to have a substitute attend in your place.

* Shall maintain oversight and supervision of facilities and furnishings in and assigned to your area.

* Shall be responsible for the security of areas under your care including access to locked rooms and use of office equipment.

* Shall hand in an official monthly report at the Monthly Staff Council.

* Shall perform additional duties as required.


Organizational Relationships

The Temporary Assistant is responsible directly to the Pastor during your term of service. This Job Description may be reevaluated and updated to make more applicable to this position. Accountability shall consist of a monthly report. If at any time either party feels that this working relationship has fulfilled its potential and should be terminated, this shall be communicated with no hard feelings, and the working relationship ended within one week. The term of this position is scheduled for ____________ to ______________ . Before departure a statement will be
required in letter form summarizing your analysis of the working relationship between you, the church, and the Pastor along with your reason for leaving.


(The original source of the above material is unknown.)

Christian Information Network