Job Description: Assistant Pastor

Job Description: Assistant Pastor
Apostolic Church of Christ, 1995-96
by John Patrick Anderson

Job Purpose:

To assist the pastor in the administration, management, and leadership of the church in a manner that will result in the pastor being free to perform the duties that only the pastor can perform. Main focus will be placed on the oversight of department heads and all group leaders in terms of concerns problems and decisions.

Job Qualifications:
1. Must have experienced the “New Birth’ according to Acts 2:38
2. Must meet the qualifications of church membership
3. Must be loyal to the pastor
4. Must have a burden and love for the church
5. Must be able to work with people
6. Must be faithful and dependable
7. Must be willing to work to build the pastor’s ministry
8. Must be able to lead leaders
9. Must be able to motivate and encourage leaders
10. Must be willing to make prayerful decisions
11. Must be willing to perform ‘extra” duties pastor may ask
12. Must have a knowledge of the church’s organization and function


Job Responsibilities:

1. Shall handle any problems and concerns of department heads and cell leaders which do not require the pastor’s attention

2. Shall make any decisions concerning department heads and call leaders which do not require the pastor’s attention

3. Shall submit a detailed report of all concerns, problems, and decisions handled to the pastor

4. Shall forward any concerns, problems, or decisions that require the pastors attention to him

5. Shall organize and oversee an annual Pastor and Staff Lunch to promote good relations

6. Shall make sick visits that the pastor is unable to make

7. Shall oversee services whenever the pastor is away

8. Shall preach when asked by the pastor

9. Shall attend all annual and monthly planning sessions

10. Shall perform any additional duties that the pastor may require


Organizational Relationship:

The assistant pastor is responsible directly to the pastor. Each year the pastor and assistant pastor will review the job description, and make improvements where needed. In addition, the assistant pastor will submit reports on any concerns, problems, and decisions handled.


Training Development:

Read To Assist the Man of God, by Jay Nanomi
Attend “Building Another’s Ministry” Seminar for assistants