When Women Pray Revival Comes

When Women Pray Revival Comes
By Mrs. Thetus Tenney

Dr. Orr, the noted historian of revival, was asked, “Is there any indication that revival is just around the corner?”

Dr. Orr replied, “When older women begin to pray in small groups, historically revival comes.”

What an awesome possibility! You and I (even if you are younger) to pray the promise into fulfillment!

And, I have words of encouragement for you.

It is absolutely beyond the natural mind to believe that a little band of believers – on their knees – have the power to determine destiny, to rule kingdoms, to chart the course of events, to loose, to bind, to destroy, to give life, to bring revival; but it is verified in the Word of God.

* More than once Moses’ prayers saved his nation from destruction (Deuteronomy 9, 11, 16, 21).

* On his knees, Daniel towered over pagan Babylon and made them know that God rules.

* Elisha strangled the economy of a nation and, then, with one prayer broke the drought as a witness to the power of God.

* Hosea prayed a hedge of thorns around his wayward wife until she would be redeemed (Hosea 2:6).

* A prophet’s prayer blinded and subdued a destroying artillery who then took orders from him (2 Kings 6).

* Praying women initiated revival on the continent of Europe (Acts 16:13-15).

* Cornelius prayed down an angel and a revival in an unlikely place with unlikely people (Acts 10).

* A home prayer meeting dispatched an angel to unlock prison doors (Acts 12:5-7).

* The prayer and praise of Paul and Silas provoked an earthquake, which broke open a revival (Acts 16:25-34).

* Peter prayed, Dorcas was raised from the dead, the whole city heard about it, and many believed (Acts 9:40-42).

* Paul prayed, the governor’s father was healed and became a witness to the power of God (Acts 28:7,8).

Consider that small group praying had major effect on nations, heathens, enemies, continents, the economy, strange people, family, prisoners, angels, the sick and the dead. What an awesome thought! And most of it was done on location of daily living…in homes, on the street, or in public. The power of aggressive prayer is easily accessible to all of us.

The early church prayer warriors not only prayed strong prayers – bolstered by bold faith – but they were not afraid to exercise the authority, which Jesus had given them. Their bold prayers were accompanied with bold words. They not only prayed, asking God for, they also spoke to and against, as they perceived by the Holy Ghost.

In Acts 4:29-31, they decidedly spoke against the hindering forces and prayed for boldness accompanied with the miraculous. There was no sign of timidity in their prayers. Their ability nor worthiness was not considered. Their petitions were not made from a beggar’s stance. Their unshakable confidence was in God and He shook the place to vindicate their primitive faith.

* Peter not only prayed miraculous prayers (see Acts 5: 1 -11; 8:20-24), but he also spoke judgment and rebuked with the power and perception of the Holy Ghost.

* Peter and John, without pseudo humility, could say “Look on us,” and then with unshakable faith could say, “…rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6).

* Peter visited palsied Aeneas and brought strong words of command rather than simple words of cheer. “Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole; arise…”(Acts 9:34).

* Paul, on a downtown street, commanded evil spirits to depart from a girl (Acts 16:18).

* A lame man, hearing Paul preach in Lystra, was filled with faith. In a loud voice Paul commanded, “Stand upright on thy feet” (Acts 14:9).

This same authority and power has been given to you. Open your Bible and read Matthew 10:1,7,8: Mark 16:17,18,20; Luke 10:19: and Acts 1:8.

Timidity, inferiority, and self-consciousness have no place in the spiritual life of a believer. Let us raise our sights, enlarge our borders, and become bold enough to pray prayers and speak words appropriate to the power of our God.

In His divine wisdom, He had decreed to respond to us in proportion to what we ask of Him. “Whatsoever ye ask…”

Small groups praying big prayers – for our nation, for our families, against demonic forces and interference, against hindering circumstances – speaking the Word of God and exercising in faith our God-given authority will bring revival.

“One should chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight. “”When… women begin to pray in small groups, historically revival comes.” Let’s make history come now!

Article excerpted from “Challenger”. Article written by Mrs. Thetus Tenney.

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”