I could say she is an individual, a human being, a distinct person; but I like to say she is a special somebody created by our Lord. She is not a goddess…

Goddesses of ancient times were heathen exaggerations of some particular aspect of the feminine form-or role. In the Old Testament times, Jezebel worshiped Ashtoreth, the Zidonian’s goddess. This same goddess was known by the Assyrians as Ishtar and by the Phoenicians as Astarte. The New Testament mentions Diana, goddess of the Ephesians. Their idol forms were often grotesque, formed in ignorance and worshiped in lewd rituals that defy logic and reasoning.

Woman is not above the leadership of man and certainly not divine… but she has a very special position in the kingdom of God.

No women were numbered among the Apostolic leadership. Jesus chose no women to be His special early disciples. No women were among the group when the guidelines were set in the book of Acts. But Jesus loved women and cared for and protected women. He was the true liberator of women and He was and is their Divine Healer.

I realize that Deborah was a judge and Esther was set aside for a special time. There are some unique situations set in Scripture for men and women. But in our present world, women are being pushed into leadership in the home, industry, politics, government and in the ministry, no less.

Yet we are still the weaker vessel. Let me be quick to say this is not position of shame or contempt, it’s a revered place, a place of protection and a place for service – to our family and for the church.

Naturally, we are protected by spiritual guidelines for women in the Word of God. And in the spiritual sense we are sons; women have the opportunity to serve in many capacities… under the protection of her authority.

Well now, surrounded by these Scriptural guidelines, you might ask, What can we do?

As women of God, our greatest responsibility is to simply please our own husband. Simple, but not always easy! Too many women in the church are scrambling around trying to be a constant servant to the pastor. Allow me to say this: if your main priorities are anywhere but in your own home, toward your own husband and children, then your priorities are absolutely misdirected.

– There are no limits on praying
– There are no limits on working
– There are no limits on loving
-There are no limits on serving

Jesus was the Greatest Servant!

Mother Teresa said: “A woman is made for loving and caring. She becomes the protection for the children.”

A mother needs time for cheerfulness and kindness toward her children. She doesn’t need to be rushing around frustrating herself with men’s work.

A mother needs time to fix nourishing meals and schedule time for homework and family fun for the whole family. She’s the schedule maker and keeper. Without a schedule, it won’t get done. She sets a spiritual, peaceful balance in the home. She makes a place for daily prayer.

There will still be time for church work such as teaching and fund raising or whatever your husband wishes for you. We are to live a balanced life. We should not neglect our homes to tend to other
matters. Don’t try to outwork the pastor’s wife or anyone else for that matter. Don’t try to be the savior of school or the community; just do your part.

And please don’t forget to care for yourself! If you do not care for yourself… you will not care for others.

Holiness is not dumpy, dowdy, unkempt and ugly women. We can dress modestly and still be beautiful. Honestly, there is nothing alluring about greasy, stringy hair. There is nothing becoming about sloppy clothes. Dress for the occasion. We all have a daily life, but don’t dress like you live on a picnic!

God made a beautiful and interesting world… I believe He showed His love of beauty by the things He created. Remember, we are His most valuable creation.

We need to start first on our inner selves. Create a beautiful spirit in your self. Allow the beauty of Jesus to shine out to a hopeless world.

We are not divine. We are not perfect in other people’s eyes. But take heart, there is so much we can do to change ourselves. And we all have changes to make.

There is one fact I want you to understand: We may never be perfect in the eyes of others, but we can be perfect in the eyes of God because He loves us so much. And He did say, “Be ye perfect as I am perfect.”

“We will be held responsible for every measure of inspiration God has given us.”

Author unknown

Use your energy to serve your family and for waiting upon the Lord. There are innumerable areas of service for women in our church, in our world, without so often scrambling for some special title.

The Proverbs 31 woman is a composite of every woman of God. We cannot accomplish every single thing she did, but we can do what God calls upon us to do… Remember, you are a Blessed somebody – not just anybody.

-You are your children’s first and greatest teacher!
-You are a witness of our great Gospel!
-You are your husband’s sweetheart, your children’s bright and shining light and a living example of the Grace of God.

You are a Blessed, unique woman of God. Ironically, the woman of God, by her wonderful influence, can affect more lives in a powerful way than many so-called leaders by simply being a positive helpmeet to her husband or the spiritual authority in her world. All the while she has the privilege of treasuring her cherished place of splendor given by the Lord.

Live out your life beautifully seeking areas of servanthood. Jesus came to serve; what could be more rewarding for women of God?

Editor’s Note: Sis. Frances Grisham, the beloved wife of our Pastor, is mother of six, grandmother often, and great-grandmother of one. Her husband and children “rise up and call her blessed” Her gracious, thoughtful hospitality is legendary. Day-today, we here at New Life are privileged to witness her godly example of what a woman of God should be.