Assistant Pastor

Assistant Pastor
Michael Hawks
United Pentecostal Church – 2005

Job Purpose

To assist the pastor in perfecting the saints in all spiritual, emotional and social needs. The purpose will be to do whatever the Pastor ask of you. To learn the roles of every position in the case that a leader comes short of reaching their goals the assistant pastor will step in and assist. To work for the kingdom and be all that we can be in Christ is our goal and purpose.

Job Qualifications

1. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost

2. Must meet the qualifications for church membership

3. Must be loyal to the Pastor.

4. Must be dedicated to the Apostles’ Doctrine.

5. Must be ready to do whatever is asked.

6. Must feel a call of God to pulpit ministry.

7. Must “walk worthy of the vocation where with you were called”

8. Must have a love for souls.

9. Must build relationships with the saints of the church

10. Must desire to further ministry.

Job Responsibilities

* Shall love the saints of God and touch lives through honesty and integrity.

* Shall work with the board to come up with ideas of places for a new church.

* Shall be in charge of the building fund and finding fundraising ideas that will build the building fund

* Shall begin to work with the Pastor and the Board on a plan for a new church and the financial side of the building.

* Shall begin to work with the Pastor and the Board on designs for the Family Center and Fitness Center.

* Shall work closely with the department heads on correlating their dates with other departments.

* Shall ready to teach the Bible Study Service once a month

* Shall be ready to preach anytime the Pastor has to be gone for any reason.

* Shall work with young ministers in finding a time for the Timothy Project.

* Shall be actively working in the Timothy Project to effect young ministers. In helping find books and materials that will build them up.

* Shall be knowledgeable of all the Departments so that at any point you would be able to step and administrate the position

* Shall work with the Pastor on evaluating the departments and help with the monthly tag-in sessions.

* Shall go to the hospital to pray for sick people when asked by the Pastor.

* Shall be on-call for the Pastor both day and night to effectively touch the city and keep the church saved.

* Shall begin to learn about counseling and sit in on certain counseling sessions when the Pastor sees it appropriate.

Other Duties

* Shall attend all services unless sick or on vacation and when sick must call Pastor and inform him of your sickness.

* Shall be an example in soul winning and Bible studies.

* Shall build a family life that will be an example to the saints of how a family should be. Shall spend time with family and build a loving family to be emulated

* Shall be at prayer meetings and must be in the prayer room thirty minuets before church start.

* Shall be a leader in worship and in the altars shall be an attar worker.

* Shall read all the material that the Pastor requires to be read monthly to further your Ministry.

* Shall stay current with the events of the day so as to know the ideas being perpetrated to the youth at school and the adults at work

* Shall listen to CD’s that the Pastor requires for spiritual growth and for ministry ideas.

* Shall attend the Annual Planning Retreat and the Monthly Tag-In Sessions.

* Shall hand in Monthly Reports on the building fund end the Timothy Project

* Shall be ready and apt to do whatever the Pastor cells on you to do with in reason of the Bible and of your Family.

Organizational Relationships

The Assistant Pastor is responsible to the Pastor. Each year the job description end responsibilities shall be updated to effectively accomplish the goals of the Church. The Assistant Pastor shell be directly connected to the Pastor end shall turn in Monthly Reports. Shall work with all the departments to help them run smoothly and help the directors grow end accomplish the goals and responsibilities set before them. Work with the calendar to make sure no dates are overlapped and if are make them not unrealistic_ Shall work closely with the Board in all areas. Evaluations shall be done each year on performance. The position is only for one year.

Training and Development

* Read “The Next Generation Leader” by Andy Stanley (Multnomah)

* Read one Francis Schaffer book

* Read “Never Give In” by Winston S. Churchill (Hyperion)

* Read “How to Win Friend and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie (Cardinal)

* Read “Let My People Grow” by Tim Massengale (Revival Research)

* Read “As Iron Sharpens Iron” by Howard and William Hendricks (Moody)

* Read all additional books provided by the Pastor.

* Shall attend Steadfast Conference.

Job Goals for The Year Of 2005

* To raise money for the building fund

* To have a site map for the new property.

* To have a blue print of the new building.

* To build Timothy Project to a place where the young ministers of the church are growing in their ministry.

* Develop an outline for the Timothy Project that will be used by other churches.

* Plan the calendar for the church

* Assist in working on all departments.

* Assist in writing Job Descriptions for all departmental leaders.

The above material was published by Apostolic Information Service. This material may be copyrighted and should be used for study and research purposes only.