Church Choir Application


1) Any person who desires to be a member must be at least 16 years of age or

2) To be a member of the choir, you must have repented, been baptized in Jesus
name, and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and also must be living an
overcoming life as a Christian.

3) A person may become a member of the choir three months after being born again,
and with the pastor’s approval.

4) A Choir member must be in every practice. If three practices are missed within
the space of two months, the choir member will be asked to withdraw from the
choir for a period of time-at the director’s discretion. (Special situations
must be approved by the pastor)

5) Permission must be obtained from the choir director in order to sing in
service if you have missed the practice for that night.

6) If you are late three times, it will be considered equivalent to missing one
practice. Unless you are. over 1/2 hour late, then it is automatically
equivalent to one whole practice. (Only in exceptional cases will tardies be

7) Children who are brought to choir practice will be made to sit out on the pews
alone without causing any distractions. The parents of children who cause
disturbances will be asked to leave the practice and take charge of their

8) All members should have a daily prayer life and should pray for the choir
specifically, especially on nights we will be singing.

9) In order to practice with the choir, you must agree to be cooperative and
submit yourself to the leader. During practices, be patient and keep noise to a
minimum while other parts are being taught.

10) Choir practice will be every Sunday from 4-5 p.m. If you are late, you will be
infringing on the leader and all other members and wasting time. It is going
to take a united effort to make this a group that can bless the whole church.
BE ON TIME!!! (Plan to be early to make sure you are on time)

11) Have a Spirit-filled attitude! Have a sweet attitude! Have an excited
attitude! Be courteous and thoughtful to your fellow choir members. Have a
positive attitude! Be loyal to the cause. Lift up and be supportive of each
other. Do not say unkind words to or about another choir member. Do not
gossip. BE A CHRISTIAN!!!

12) WORSHIP, WORSHIP, WORSHIP!! Worship with all your heart!


I, _________________________________, have read the policies above and do hereby
agree to follow them to the best of my ability.

____________________________________ ______________________________
Signature Date

____________________________________ ______________________________
Pastor’s Signature Date


1. Dress in your “Sunday Go to Meeting'” clothes. No casual or sloppy look on the
nights we sing.

2. Men are to wear dress pants, dress shirts, with a coat and tie. The hair must
be cut above the collar, above the ears, and combed neatly. No jewelry. No
worldly hair styles. Must be clean shaven.

3. Ladies are to be conservative and discreet and modest in their attire. Wear
clothing with high necklines, sleeves below the elbow, skirts below the knee.
No sheer or see-through clothing. No tight fitting garments. No slits in

No sparkles–jewelry, florescent looking shoes or bows. No sequins worn in the
hair or on the clothing. No silver, gold, or copper colored bows or shoes.

Girls and ladies must wear nylons.

All ladies must have uncut hair. If your hair is not long, style it to look
Pentecostal fashion. Hair must be curled or combed up Pentecostal style. No
worldly hair styles. If your choir leader asks you to change your hairdo before
singing, change it, having a good attitude.

No make-up.

4) Dress colors and styles should be worn to coordinate in a decent and acceptable
appearance. Any suggestions made by the choir leader should be accepted with a
good attitude and immediate compliance.


I, ____________________________________, have read the standard above and do
hereby agree to follow them to the best of my ability.

_______________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date

_______________________________________ ________________________
Pastor’s Signature Date

(The above material is sample forms for church choir standards and application.)

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