Financing The Bus Ministry

By Dave Smith

I. Always Pray Much About Your Finances

II. Budget Item In The Church Budget

III. Offering Taken At The Bus Meeting To Supplement Cost

IV. A Planned Program Of Finance To Supplement Budget Item (Some Suggestions)

A. Envelopes in the pews where people can give designated money to the bus ministry

B. Wednesday offering goes to the bus ministry

C. “Buy a bus” offering (when you are ready to purchase a bus)

Where members give in a service until you raise enough money to buy the bus

D. “Buy a seat” offering (when you are ready to purchase a bus)

1. Divide the cost of buying the bus by the number of seats

2. Get 66 people in your church to buy a seat

E. Piggy banks

1. Give out cardboard bus piggy banks and ask the people to return them (available from Dr. Beebe)

2. You could also give these to your bus riders

F. Bus Club

1. Get people to give a designated amount each month that will help finance some aspect of the bus ministry

2. Ask them to pray for the bus ministry

3. Give them a frameable certificate indicating they are a member of your Bus Club

4. Invite these folks to you yearly Bus Banquet if you have one

G. Missionary Program

H. Some churches may want to pay for a portion of the operation costs of the bus ministry out of the mission program of their church (possibly the insurance costs)

V. Pursue Souls And God Will Supply The Needs

This article may not be written by an Apostolic author, but it contains many excellent principles and concepts that can be adapted to most churches. As the old saying goes, “Eat the meat. Throw away the bones.”